For Muffins and Krum Cake - Viktor Krum (pt 2)

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Part 2 of my Viktor Krum miniseries

Part 1: OR

Viktor Krum x fem!reader

warnings: just some fluff

a/n: happy new year to all my lovely friends, i hope you enjoy some tasty treats to start the year off well. here is my gift to you, a little vik fik

original post -

You've heard it said that pride is like a bright beam of joy radiating from the heart, but in reality it felt like a million suns burning the sweetest heat through your body. And you felt this sort of pride for the first time when you saw Viktor Krum standing atop the platform holding the dragon's egg viktoriously over his head. You had been biting your nails in fear for him as you watched helplessly from the stands as he battled against the raging dragon. But you knew you had no real reason to fear. He was a gifted wizard and the dragon was no match for your man.

Upon his return to the champion's tent, Viktor found you waiting with open arms and a smile that could seldom be matched. He threw the egg into Igor Karkaroff's arms and threw himself into yours, burying his head in your neck. A comforting place.

"You were amazing, Viktor." You squealed as you pulled away so you could look at him. You reached up and brushed your thumb lightly against the scrape on his forehead. He closed his eyes at your touch. "I'm so proud of you." You beamed at him, not even knowing the full effect your words had on him.


Weeks had begun to fly by without any warning. It was as if the universe knew that you were treasuring each and every moment and yet wanted you to feel as though you were running out of time. In reality, fall was only barely turning into winter and you had plenty of time left in they year. But as days and weeks passed, you wanted nothing more than to spend abundantly more time with Viktor, the man who was not only a Triwizard Champion, but was quickly becoming a champion of your own heart.

One particularly chilly night, you bid goodbye to your friends as you waltzed right out of your common room's portrait hole and down the surprisingly empty corridors of the castle. You used your free hand to pull your cloak tighter against you, trapping what body heat you had left within its confines and hoping to keep the chilled night air at bay.

Your other hand held a small metal tin, one your mother had once sent filled with cookies as a treat during your final exams. However this time, your tin held another sweet treat. You made your way outside and across the grounds, hoping to avoid any curious eyes as you beelined for your destination.

As you approached the Black Lake, you slowed your rapid pace and settled your beating heart. The Durmstrang ship was grandiose from a distance, but up close it was almost as though it was too extravagant to be real. You felt so tiny alongside it's unbelievable size.

As you approached nearer, you spotted a handsome man leaning gracefully against the doorway to the entrance, his head tilted up as he admired the slowly darkening night sky.

At the sound of footsteps, Viktor's head snapped in your direction and he grinned at you, silently admiring the way the shine of the moon reflected off of each part of you and the small item in your hand.

"There you are," Viktor reached his hand out for you to take as you crossed the dock to board the ship. Once you were next to him, he opened the door and ushered you inside, his hand guiding you with the gentlest touch on your lower back before taking your hand as he passed you to lead the way.

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