A Life Captured - Colin Creevey

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Colin Creevey x gryffindor mentor!reader

Warnings: battle of hogwarts, character death, mention of injuries

a/n: im crying so now you can cry with me

this is not meant to be a romantic relationship whatsoever, i love my lil bean colin and wanted to portray a really nice mentor friendship


"Miss Y/L/N, I understand from a number of your professors that you have become quite a dutiful and diligent student over the years, which I can of course agree with from my own perspective." Professor McGonagall had called you into her office to discuss something rather important, but from the way she was buttering you up, you knew there must be a catch. "So I wanted to offer you an opportunity that I am beginning this year. It's a bit of a mentor program for older students to work closely with younger students to help them become acclimated to the environment at Hogwarts and to mentor them through their studies."

"That sounds like a lovely opportunity, Professor. You think I would be a good fit for it?" You were shocked that you were considered. You never really saw yourself much as the leader type, but you would never question the judgment of your head of house.

"Well of course, you've executed your studies quite well and you always seem to be friendly with the younger students. Besides, this is the first year I'm trying something like this, so my expectations are very open for persuading." The wise woman you had looked up to for the past three years had a lot of faith in you, more than you had in yourself. But you trusted her.

"Okay, who would you like me to mentor?"

"Y/L/N!" You were shaken from your memories as your beloved professor called your name nearby.

"Yes, Professor? What can I do? Where do you need me?" You asked eagerly as you closed the distance between you and Professor McGonagall. Chaos erupted around you and students were being ushered off in all directions.

"I want you to lead the rest of the younger students out of the castle. Take them to the room of requirement and out through the portrait. Aberforth will be waiting to direct them through his home to safety. A first group was already taken down, but I need you to take the rest." She looked at you as though this task held every hope for the future. And maybe it did.

Once upon a time, you would have been terrified to take on this role, but the confidence instilled in you all those years ago when you were encouraged to take on a mentoring role was coming back to you now.

So in following directions, you led a parade of students quickly through the castle and into the portrait hole where they filed out of the castle safely. So many of these students wanted to stay but they didn't truly know what they would get themselves into. It was better this way.


"Colin, are you paying attention? Hey!" You snapped at the younger student who had been placed into your care this year. You loved his spunky attitude and the way he truly cared for everyone around him. But sometimes, Colin Creevey had the attention-span of a cornish pixie.

"Huh? What? Sorry, what did you say?" He turned back to face you as you gave him the "don't make me be disappointed in you" stare.

"I asked you what the wand movement was for a simple barrier charm. But you, on the other hand were too busy glancing around at everything but your book." You raised an eyebrow at the boy across the table from you.

"Yeah, sorry. It's just that there's so much else going on in here, how can I focus on just one thing?" His eyes grew wide as he lifted his camera to his face, lining his eye up just precisely so he could snap a picture to remember what that day had looked like, the Great Hall filled with students. Shaking your head, you closed your own textbook and let Colin know that you would continue your studies in a few days, as was routine.

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