For Champions and Friends - Viktor Krum (pt 1)

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Viktor Krum x fem!reader

warnings: um none? this is just cute and fluffy

a/n: okay this is my first time writing for vik and tbh it was kinda tough, but i ultimately liked it... let me know what you think! (i wanna see all you secret simps comin out of hiding for this)

also disclaimer: i am not good at writing accents (because i never want to do it and end up offending anyone), so hopefully what ive done with this is acceptable 💕

(part 1 of a miniseries)

original post -

"Excuse me. Excuse ME." Your voice rose with each repetition of what should have been a simple command, yet the hoard of students around you refused to move out of your way as you tried relentlessly to push your way to the front. "EXCUSE ME!" You yelled as you used your elbows to force your way through the barricade and into the center of the ring of students.

You ignored the mutterings of "who does she think she is?" and "ugh, what is she doing?" as you pushed your way forward. Once you had broken through the wall of bodies, you found yourself face to face with the man of the hour. "Hello Viktor." You greeted the muscular boy with a sweet smile as you eyed the crowd surrounding you, an innocent lilt to your voice.

"What are you doing here?" Viktor, with his deep voice and unbelievably thick Bulgarian accent, looked directly at you, giving you all of his attention in that moment. Truthfully, he was just surprised to find you in the midst of such a gaggle of girls.

"Everyone is practically fawning over you, I figured I would join in for a bit." You jokingly batted your eyes at the boy who had stolen the attention of every girl since his arrival at Hogwarts. You couldn't deny to yourself the way he caught your eye as well, but if anyone asked, of course you were indifferent to him, he was just another student. "Also, I was asked to deliver a message to you. Dumbledore would like all four of the champions to meet for dinner tonight to discuss... official matters."

"You're running errands for your headmaster now?" Viktor didn't know too much about you, but what he did know was that you had a tendency to work closely with authority figures. You cared just a little too much about everything you involved yourself in. For better or worse.

"Oh, I just can't keep out of other people's business." You playfully nudged his shoulder with yours before pushing your way back through the crowd. You were so focused on trying to hide the smile that crept over your features that you never noticed the way his eyes followed you long after your head had disappeared into the sea of faces surrounding him.


While most students preferred to spend their time socializing and adventuring around the castle, you preferred the more laid back environment that the great hall offered in between meals. Sure, there were plenty of students filtering in and out at any time, but something about the beautiful balance between socialization and academia was thrilling to you. So this is where you frequently found yourself diving into your studies.

Today was no different, after you had helped Dumbledore with a few of his menial tasks and then visited the house elves in the kitchens for a midday chat. Now you were sat in your favorite seat in the middle of the great hall, poring over one of your particularly fascinating textbooks.

When you were reading, there was very little that could distract you from the words on the page. And that's how you managed to be completely blind to the pair of eyes that watched you from across the room. From the moment he walked in the oversized doors, he spotted you and, well admired from afar. He was captivated by your natural beauty when you didn't even try. He was enthralled with the focus you could hone into whatever it was before you. The way you scrunched your nose when you came across a troubling passage.

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