Not a Typical Friend - Moaning Myrtle

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Moaning Myrtle x friend!reader

WC: 1.8k

A/N: Sorry guys but I think Myrtle deserves some more love, so this is my attempt at giving it to her

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And in fact, they do. Each year the castle is decorated in the best that magic can supply. Floating pumpkins, flickering lights, automatically replenishing treats, and let's not forget that ghosts roam the halls regularly.

In typical teenage fashion, many of the students use this holiday season to carry out their mischievous pranks and tricks. It's fairly common for common rooms to be "ransacked" and mysterious messages to be left for students to follow clues and take part in outlandish activities.

But for one resident of the castle, this season is one where typical mistreatment is escalated. This young girl is taunted on a daily basis and this season only serves to make it worse.

You, however, happened to be one of the girl's only friends. You visited her each day, if only for a few minutes, just to check in. She had a bit of a temper and was often irritable when others would visit, but your face was a welcome one.

And you knew how horrible the students could be to her when spooky season came around, so today was no different as you made your way toward her room.

Turning the corner of the deserted corridor, you walked into the seemingly empty room. You called out to your friend, "Myrt? You here?"

"Ooohh you came, you came!" Myrtle came flying from the back of the room and settled in front of you.

Myrtle wasn't a typical friend you might have at school. She lived in an abandoned girls' lavatory, hiding away from the rest of the students. She was a ghost, a teenage ghost, who was usually on the receiving end of jokes and teasing. Her voice was a bit high pitched, some might even say squeaky. Her looks hadn't changed since she had died, so her appearance was a bit out of date with current styles. And because of the treacherous treatment she received from other students, she did have a tendency to take her frustrations out on anyone who dared to enter her beloved bathroom.

"Of course I came. I always do. How are you today? See any other students?"

"Just one tiny, shy little girl who looked lost and terrified already. I didn't bother her, didn't want her to feel what I do every day. She used a stall and went on her way."

"Myrt, that was nice of you. What if I brought in a few of my own friends to see you? Tonight is the Halloween party in the Great Hall and a bunch of us will be dressed up. We could come visit you before we go. Or you could come with us??"

Myrtle looked around her room, "I never leave here, I can't go anywhere where someone might see me. They always make fun of me." Your heart broke at the sadness in her voice. Not only was she deprived of the rest of her life, but now she was deprived of an enjoyable afterlife because the other students couldn't be decent to her for once.

"All the other castle ghosts come each year. Maybe if you came too people would see how fun you can be and they won't bother you anymore." You try to be encouraging as you make your suggestions, knowing that she doesn't take criticism well.

"I'll think about it. But I make no promises."

You smiled at her, "I'll come back here tonight on our way to the party and you can join us if you'd like. Now I have to go to class, but I'll see you later." You gave her a quick wave before retreating toward the door and making your way back into the hallway and toward your next class.

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