The Peak of Holiday Cheer - Lee Jordan

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Lee Jordan x reader

Prompt: "You're going to sit on that man's lap just for a photo?"

Warnings: santa?

A/N: OKAY I AM IN LOVE WITH LEE NOW. like this was so fun to write. i hope this begins to spread a little more lee appreciation because he deserves it.

send me your unappreciated character requests because i am thriving with these lately!!

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*Ding* The bell above the large doors rang out as you entered the large establishment, eyes eagerly searching for what you had come for. But you weren't fast enough. "There she is!" You heard shouted from above you. Tilting your head toward the upstairs loft area, you smiled your biggest smile at the handsome man who had poked his head out of the upstairs office when he heard the bell ring.

"Hello up there!" You raised your hand as if to shield your eyes from the imaginary sun as you peered across the vast distance toward your boyfriend, Lee Jordan, who was already laughing at your antics.

Making his way downstairs, you met him at the bottom of the steps and greeted him with a tight embrace, one that communicated how much you had missed him even just over the hours you were away at work. "So, how was business today? Looks like shelves are emptying more and more each day." You looked around to take in the somewhat messy arrangements of products littering the shelves.

"Oh things are practically flying off of the shelves these days with the holidays coming up. And with wizards as customers, we really do have to worry about them quite literally flying off of the shelves." Lee's eyes lit up at his own joke, the man never having grown out of his playful demeanor even after all these years.

"Some might even say that we're the top choice for holiday gifts this year." George Weasley strode into the room from the back stockroom, positively beaming with pride at the shop they had been running.

"Oh yes, and would those 'some' be the two of you, perhaps?" You teasingly narrowed your eyes, knowing that the tall redhead had made up this claim on the spot.

"Wouldn't you agree, Y/N? That we're the best source for holiday cheer?" Lee's gaze was poised directly on you. You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks just from the way he looked at you.

"I do believe that the two of you are quite the source for cheer and good fun. But I know many others who find this stuff positively childish. Not me. Or at least, if it is childish, then call me an infant because I love all of it." The sparkle in your eye was enough to melt Lee into a puddle. You had reached over to fiddle with a small trinket on the nearby table while admiring the details of the products your friends had created.

"Are we all still on for tonight?" George piped up from behind the register, as he prepared to shut things down for the night.

"That's why I'm here, I wouldn't miss it. Double date night is my favorite."

"What about single date night?" Lee's pouty expression shouldn't have been so funny, but you adored him and the way he stuck out his lip as if deeply hurt by your statement.

"Okay, my second-favorite. But I suspect you already knew that." You leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

"You're right, I did." He grinned back at you, admiration swimming in his eyes.

"Hello, is anyone home?" You whipped around at the sound of the door opening and the sweet voice of your friend emerging through the opening.

"Angelina!" You ran up to toss your arms around her and pull her in for a hug. "Okay boys, my date has arrived, we can go now." You smirked toward the two men who were now making their way toward the door behind you.

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