30. apologies to the daishō simps (;;;・_・)

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⚠️ art credits : @/lickslacks on twitter ⚠️


Even after an hour, you still felt the presence of someone's eyes on you. The speech from the Principal was now over, and thanks to that weird guy, you had no idea what had been announced from the stage. Well, not like you were planning to either.

Soon everyone dispersed. The people who had arrived today were offered breakfast, so most seemed to be headed towards the cafeteria. As you and Kairi joined up with the Inarizaki team, a growling from her stomach escaped, at which everyone laughed. She hid her face in your hug and you patted her head.

Even though your team already had breakfast, almost everyone was still hungry, because who the hell can fill up their stomach that early? So your destination changed to the cafeteria as well.

On the way, you noticed a single, highlighted figure going back up to the rooms.

Well, well. That's exactly like him. Sakusa-san really hates crowds, huh.

࿐ ࿔*:・゚

Subsequently, your team secured three tables after getting breakfast. As always, you, the Miya twins and Suna were on one of them along with Kairi this time.

Right as you were about to dig in, Kairi lowered her tone a little and said, "Hey, Y/n-san, that guy's here too."

"Well of course he is, they need to eat too, assuming they are humans." You replied. "Yeah but like, right behind us. Although it looks like he hasn't noticed you yet." She said, stealing a glance behind.

"What are ya whispering about, Y/n? Kairi-chan?" Atsumu cut in after gulping down half of his miso shiru in one go. "Nah, nothing much." You sighed. "Doesn't look like nothing to me." Suna glared, softly.

How does someone glare softly what the fuck?

"You know, that guy behind us, in the green and white tracksuit with snake-ish eyes? He's been staring at Y/n senpai the whole time in the assembly hall, not even stopping for a second!" Kairi spilled all the tea without even being probed at all. You internally facepalm- no face-walled, Itachi Uchiha style.

"Oh? He's Nohebi's captain I think." Osamu finally tore off his attention from the food in front of him.

My guess game is upgrading huh. Am I the next guess-monster after Shiratorizawa's middle blocker?

"Was he making you uncomfortable, Y/n?" Suna asked, almost too seriously. "Uh, not really, it's nothing much of an issue or something new. I am alright." You smiled while saying that.

Although, people look at me weirdly for different reasons back in school or the neighborhood. Like for being too close to y'all or due to my family's history and other pathetic things. Of course it doesn't mean that just because something happens all the time, I am fine with it, but I still don't wanna create a scene here.

"Just because something happens all the time, doesn't mean you gotta be okay with it." Suna frowned.

Holy shit so he can actually read my mind‽

"I cannot read your mind but I believe even you understand and know that." He seemed to be fiddling with his food.

Okay, he can totally read my mind. I should be careful around him then. NO. STOP. THINKING. Y/N. STAWP. WTF JSHAKHSKA-

"Uh... Y/n-san? Are you okay?" Kairi asked worriedly. "Huh? Oh yeah. I am fine. And well, he's not doing anything weird for now so let's drop this. Anyways, when's our first match? Any info?" You subtly changed the subject.

Suna eyed you suspiciously but didn't say anything. "I ain't sure but it's not during today's first half at least, or we would've been informed." Atsumu shrugged.

"That's good then. For now we can just rest while watching the tactics of other teams and learn a thing or two." You smiled. Everyone hummed in affirmation and proceeded to finish the meal.

࿐ ࿔*:・゚

"Y/n-san! Those vending machines weren't here until yesterday, were they‽" Kairi tugged on you right before everyone was exiting the cafeteria. You turned around to see and indeed, there were 4 new and fresh machines in one corner. "Oh yeah, looks like they installed it just a while ago. You want something?" You asked with a smile.

"I don't have anything particular in mind right now, but is it okay to go check it out and maybe buy something if we like it?" Her eyes suddenly took the form of diamonds, shining too bright. There was no way you could ever deny her.

"But do you have money on you though?" You asked, remembering that no one brought their wallet for the opening ceremony. "Hehe about that... I do!" She grinned. "Huh? But why would ya bring money to the assembly hall? It's not like you could've known about this." Atsumu wondered out loud.

"Well I don't know why I took it with me either, but anyways it's good I did!" Kairi looked very excited. You had to smile at her innocence. "Alright, alright. Let's go. You guys want something?" You turned towards your team.

"Not now. We already ate breakfast twice. Delaying the morning warm-ups and drills anymore won't be preferable. But you two should go ahead." Kita slightly smiled at you. "Yeah! You guys always get busy because of us during the drink breaks, so just get something for yourselves this time!" Aran patted both your and Kairi's shoulders.

You nodded at them both along with a thumbs up. From the corner of your eyes you saw Atsumu, who was about to say yes to your offer earlier, quietly shut his mouth into an attempt to make it look like a smile. After laughing internally, you and Kairi went towards the machines.

࿐ ࿔*:・゚

"Hmm... I'll have Hiyashi Ame!" Kairi chose her drink. "Cinnamon flavour for a cinnamon roll? Seems fitting to me." You patted her head slightly. "How about you Y/n-san?" She asked with a smile. "Well, I'll have this Melon Cream Soda." There were a lot of different beverages. You mentally made a note to try everything once if you can.

Kairi lent you some money, which you promised to pay back, to which she refused of course but that's not gonna stop you. As you got the drinks, an unfamiliar voice called out your name, "Y/n-chan~!". You turned around as a reflex, but seeing the source of the sound, you thought you'll probably regret this later on.

You didn't reply, just stared back at his slanted eyes. After a few seconds, he finally broke the silence. "So, you're Inarizaki's manager?" He asked.

No, sir. I am their portable ceiling fan.

"Who are you?" You kinda knew who he was but why show him that? He lightly hmphed with a smirk growing on his face. "I am Nohebi's captain as well as the Outside Hitter, and a third-year, Daishō Suguru. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

࿐ ࿔*:・゚

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Author's Note~

ahh ik daishō isn't canonically like this but
oh well- someone gotta be the bad boi
and for obvious reasons daishō seemed to
be the one who would do the job just fine

(well after terushima ofc, but since he
already gets so much hate, i just changed
the roles ┐('~';)┌)

also i wish for all of you to stay safe during these challenging times and hope that everyone can find healthy coping mechanisms (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )

aanddd! happy pride month!!! do the m'fucking crime! be gay! you all are beautiful asf and as amazing as a human could possibly be! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
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𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | k. sakusa Where stories live. Discover now