11. sakusa who? we only serve suna (~ ̄³ ̄)~

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⚠️ art credits : @/opendaybreak_ on twitter ⚠️


The twins along with Suna came inside your house. What you didn't notice was that the twins had some boxes in their hands. They headed straight to your kitchen. You didn't understand why they would go to your kitchen while leaving you and Suna just standing in the living room like 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️.

You wanted to go check it out but  Suna asked before you could move, "You haven't eaten in how long?" "Wh-what?" You stuttered, for two reasons. One, you were shocked as to how you were so transparent to Suna and two, because you yourself didn't remember when you ate the last time. You had vague memories about not eating the dinner your grandma had made the day before she left. It indeed has been long.

"Do you know how bad you are at acting like you are fine?" Suna said, looking straight in your eyes. It was embarrassing to hear your pretending skills were bad when that's all you have been doing your whole life. You just looked at the floor and pouted, feeling sad at the comment. For a few seconds you could only hear your heartbeat and some distant sounds of the twins probably preparing something in the kitchen.

Then suddenly something enveloped you out of the blue. You realized that the envelop-ing was actually sort of a bear hug and that something who embraced you, was Suna.

Haaah? Suna... can hug people? Did he just hug me? WHAT? y/n.exe has stopped working-

It was overwhelming for you. It had been a long time since someone had hugged you. You didn't realize how much you needed it until Suna rested his head and face in the crook of your neck and wrapped his hands tightly around your back. You were too in shock to react, but tears fell down your face, like the traitors they were.

Suna must've felt your tears on the back of his neck. He slowly moved and put your head under his chin with his right hand and started patting your hair. It only made you want to cry harder as you silently sobbed into his chest. He let you cry for a good minute, then pulled away. Somehow, he looked more fragile than you at the moment.

He led you to your couch and made you sit. Then he sat beside you, but at some distance, you wondered why. You found your answer soon enough, as he laid his head in your lap. You felt your blood rush to your face as your heart leapt out of your throat. Sure he had been very touchy with you ever since you could remember, but you saw this side of him for the first time. You realized that Suna could be very clingy and cuddly when he wanted to be.

It was anything but uncomfortable. In fact, you felt happy, like you did have a big part in someone's life. But you froze to death when he started moving his fingers over your thighs. It wasn't done or meant in a sensual way. No, not at all. He was just mindlessly tracing the scars on your thighs.

You internally cursed yourself for not remembering that you were wearing shorts. Now you just felt like you wanted to sprint on a tallass building's roof and jump off doing a summersault. Or probably go into hibernation for your whole life. "I-i am going to ch-change." You said as you started getting up, only to be stopped by Suna's hand falling over yours.

He rolled his head over in your lap and looked at you through his long eyelashes. "You don't have to hide it Y/n, at least not from me." He whispered ever so softly. You could only look back at him in slight shock. You wondered if he really was the Suna who used to troll you every chance he got and did you really hear right? Or was it actually some kind of hallucination?

You were brought back to reality from the lands of your thoughts when he picked your hand and kept it on top of his chest, and then placed his palms over yours. You could feel his heart beating very erratically. But for what reason? You didn't understand that. Suna looked into your eyes like he always did before speaking. But strangely enough, he did not say whatever he was about to. He just closed his eyes and heaved a sigh.

He got up after a while. "I guess we really should go and check in on those twins, it'd be quite troublesome if they lit your kitchen on fire." Suna said, with his eyes suddenly taking an interest in how he moved his feet on the floor. A clear evidence that he didn't want to go, but was forcing himself to. But you knew better than to ask. He never held back about something from you. So if he were doing so, it meant he had a better reason for it. So you just agreed.

Walking into your kitchen, you realized that today was a day full of surprises for you. Everyone was being too out of character. So much so, that this chapter can even be considered illegal. The twins were making pancakes. But the strange part was, they were working in peace. No fighting, no cussing each other and no kicking asses every 3 seconds. In fact they were humming the same tune together, while having a smile on their faces.

You rubbed your eyes. It was not a good day to be diagnosed with both visual and auditory hallucinations. For a solid 2 minutes, you thought your eyes and ears were playing tricks on you. But when both of them stood next to you with plates full of Dorayaki pancakes, you had to internally scream while telling yourself that this was real.

The pancake made your eyes leak. "Is- is it so bad that ya c-cryin'?" Atsumu worriedly asked. You just shook your head, as your mouth was too full to reply properly.

After a while, you said, "It was just... just like mom used to make. It took me to all those happy memories. But how do you two know how to make this?" Both of them looked at each other and smiled. "Well, our mom once asked your mom for the recipe. So our mom taught us. Although it's quite an achievement to be able to pull it off with him." Osamu said, pointing towards Atsumu.

Atsumu just hmphed. You four ate in a peaceful silence afterwards. They had even brought you a tub of your favourite ice cream which you happily devoured. Afterwards, you sat on your couch, Suna on one side and Osamu on the other. While Atsumu sat on the carpeted floor in front of you. You all fell asleep after a while. Suna on your lap like earlier, sharing it with Atsumu like two small kittens and Osamu on your shoulder.

They were unquestionably, your safe haven. The place you weren't afraid to call your home.

࿐ ࿔*:・゚

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Author's Note ~

i wonder if you guys remembered how y/n never called the place she lived in as her 'home' while talking to Sakusa, rather just used 'house'

that's why the last sentence has a special meaning or so i was hoping for it to convey

lowkey scared of using references from my own chapters because i don't think anyone
would remember them hehe (' . .̫ . ')

hopefully this chapter was a tad bit of wholesome 👉👈

anyways i wish you all to be well and
that you are taking care of your beautiful
and amazing self (。・ω・。)ノ♡
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𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | k. sakusa Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя