Cinder: Quiet.

Mercury relented, backing down.

Raven: That's what I thought.

Cinder: I'm Cinder Fall. These are my associates, Arthur Watts, Renata Ectrea, and my disciples, Emerald and Mercury.

Raven: Two children you've tricked into following you, a disgraced Atlesian scientist, and a Fall Maiden with a surname so appropriate, she probably picked it herself. Something tells me you've got more than a slight case of egomania, is that about right?

Mercury and Emerald exchanged a brief look, while Watts cleared his throat.

Watts: Technically, I was also a doctor, but I must say, the rest was spot on.

Renata: You forgot about me, Raven.

With that Renata took a step forward, walking closer to Raven.

Raven: And a girl that foolishly convinces herself that her brother will side with her.

Renata looked unfazed as she stopped her advance, smiling.

Renata: Your digs don't work on me, Branwen. I don't care how little you think of me. Even with your... I mean the person you control, you're nothing but an insect in my way.

Raven glared at the girl as Renata yawned, looking at Raven as if she was a small child, while Cinder coughed behind her.

Renata raised an eyebrow, turning back to Cinder.

Renata: Yes?

Cinder ignored her, instead turning to Raven.

Cinder: Aren't you perceptive.

Raven: It's what's kept me alive.

Cinder: I'm afraid the only reason you're still alive is because you have something our master wants. Of course, if I'm wrong...

Cinder activated her Maiden power again and held out a small flame in her right hand, grinning evilly.

Raven: Vernal!

Vernal stepped out of Raven's tent and walked up next to her.

Cinder: So, this is the long lost Spring Maiden. Prove it.

Raven and Vernal shared a glance with each other, with Raven nodding. Vernal sighed and closed her eyes, when suddenly Renata called out.

Renata: Why don't you take your mask off Raven? You don't look too old yet...

Raven ignored her, turning back to Vernal who held her hands out and suddenly, the wind started to pick up gradually. 

The blue sky turned to gray as clouds covered it. Leaves blew in the wind. Watts, Mercury and Emerald covered their faces as thunder was heard, while Cinder smiled in amazement as she watched the Spring Maiden unleash her power, Renata just sighed, waiting for it to be over. Vernal then lowered her hands and opened her eyes as her powers settled.

Raven: Vernal has done well under my guidance. I'd take that into consideration before you try anything.

Watts and Mercury brushed themselves off as Cinder spoke.

Cinder: Raven, I won't underestimate you, so please don't insult my intelligence. There is a slim chance you and your Maiden could escape today, but if you know our master as well as you claim to, then you know you could never truly escape her. But we come bearing an olive branch.

Watts walked up to Raven.

Watts: The Maidens are merely a means to an end. Salem's true desires are the Relics locked inside the Huntsman Academies. Come with us. Allow Vernal here to unlock the Relic of Knowledge, and all previous acts of defiance against Salem will be forgiven.

Catch Me if You Can (Male Reader x Ruby Rose) RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now