
Genji slowly woke up, his head aching along with his left shoulder one of the few spots without metal. As he threw his legs out of bed he heard a thick voice "Finally awake are you?" he sighed "Hello Ms.Amari how are you today" genji said getting up."A fight, seriously Genji" She said her voice kept its volume but the tone was more fearsome. Genji remained quiet as he continued to stretch, "Genji life has been hard recently." She said with sympathy, getting up from the desk and putting a hand on his shoulder. "But the way you're acting out is inexcusable" Genji looked at her and brushed her hand away. With a defeated sigh she went back to her desk "Morrison wants to see you genji, as soon as you're done head over there". After a few more stretches Genji started out the door. "I'm worried about you Genji" Amari said before he exited, Genji stalled for a second "I'll be fine Ms.Amari i promise" Genji said before heading to the office.

After a knock and a sit down in an all too familiar chair Grnji was sitting in front of Mr.Morrison. "Please tell me that you didn't start this Genji." Morrison whispered. Genji remained silent struggling to find words, "I started it sir." Genji started before being cut off. "Genji come on" He struggled to speak, his voice filled with disappointment. "Ever science your accident you've been the problem child of the school," Morrison said keeping voice low "Genji i can't fathom how much pain you've been through, but lashing out at the world won't help." Genji wanted to scream "Of course you couldn't, Imagine being disowned by your family and being burnt alive by your own brother and having to look at yourself everyday thinking you're a monster!" He clenched his fist withholding his rage and frustration. Morrison put his hand on Genji's shoulder "You are such a bright student and i want to see you succeed" Genji felt a mixture of sadness and frustration He wanted to tell him everything but he knew if he did he would put him in danger of his fathers wrath. "Genji, I'm going to give you another chance," He said, grabbing a slip of paper and started writing,After he finished he gave the paper to Genji. The note read "Classroom 304N, Guidance with Zenyatta''. Genji read the paper. "Zenyatta?As in the guidance counselor." Morrison sat back down "Genji I want you to see Professor Zenyatta every other day for the rest of the year after school. "What!" Genji shot up and was about to protest before Morrison stared him down "Genji. You started a fight in class. You threw a chair across the room!" He said not raising a voice but in a serious tone. "If it wasn't for our nurses Hanzo would have been out of commission for a week!". The room went quiet as Genji sat back down. Neither of them said a word for what seemed like hours. "Genji just do this for me ok?". Genji looked down at the paper and after thinking about it, nodded his head in agreement.


The bell rang and everyone started heading to lunch, Tracer packed up her stuff as Hana followed Mako out still Harassing him with questions about his farm which he happily answered. "Hey you done packing?" Fareeha asked tracer "Huh? Yeah" she responded "Sweet follow me I wanna chat about what happened" Tracer followed Fareeha through the halls until they reached a pair of big grey doors. Fareeha pulled out a key and unlocked them, as they stepped in it was filled to the brim with workout equipment. "Woah? Are we allowed to be here?" Tracer asked. Fareeha chuckled "Technically no, at least without supervision, But I worked out something with Coach Zarya" Fareeha then proceeded to change into workout clothes and started setting up the bench press. "So spill the beans I wanna hear all about it" She said starting her set. Tracer proceeded to tell her everything, what hanzo said, how it happened, and the women in blue who took them down. After all of Tracer's rambling Fareeha was drenched in sweat and was dabbing herself down. "Damn sounds like shit hit the fan" She said, taking a swig from her water bottle. "On your first day too man i'm sorry". "It's ok," Tracer stuttered "I kinda expected some craziness". Tracer laughed and Fareeha chuckled "This is actually pretty new" She said. "If you don't mind me asking Fareeha but what exactly happened between the two." Tracer asked helping her put up the equipment. Fareeha glanced around and let out a sigh "So have you ever heard of the Shimadas?" She asked "Yeah they're a rich family involved in politics right?" tracer said "Yeah something like that" Fareeha said "In reality it's been rumored they do a lot more illegal things." Tracer nodded understanding she had heard those rumors before. "Well Genji never fit that kinda life, and families like that never keep loose ends so they tried to get rid of Genji." Fareeha seemed like she was struggling to say this. "He survived but it seems like they're pretty confident that he'll stay quiet, most people think it was just a gas leak." As she finished this statement she was staring at the floor, her face serious. Tracer put a hand on her bicep "Hey are you ok love?" Tracer asked. "Yeah i'm fine, It's just... Sad that happened to him you know" Fareehas face looked furious "He did so much for others, everyone really liked him, But now most of them refuse to look him in the eye." She took a deep breath and looked at tracer, "I'm fine now thanks I needed that". "No problem! Here!" Tracer grabbed Fareeha's phone and put in her number and snapchat, "Hit me up if you need to talk love i'm usually up at night. After Tracer got Fareeha's number they left the weight room and used the rest of lunch grabbing some food from the lunch hall.

Tracer finished her school day with her 3rd class being Engineering, And fourth being gym, Which Fareeha was in. The school bell rang and tracer booked it to the nurses office, all day she was worried about Genji. She arrived at the nurses office to see a woman in blue, "Uh hi i'm Tracer I was wondering where my friend Genji is", Tracer said in a hurry. The woman in blue finished her typing at the computer, "He got out at lunch." She said. tracer noticed she was wearing an eyepatch with a small tattoo under her left eye, "Oh did he go home already?" Tracer asked. She was silent for a second, "No he's still here he's attending an after school program. In room 304N I believe." As soon as she was done talking the nurse returned to her computer. Tracer thanked her, and rushed through the hallway eyeing the signs on the door. 300N, 302N, 304N, Tracer approached the room. The door had a poster on it, it was a tie dye background with text reading "Guidance with Zenyatta" Tracer knocked on the door, "Come in!" the voice sounded robotic. Tracer opened the door and saw a room with a small roll out T.V complete with a VHS set that was currently playing an old episode of The Magic School Bus, after that the room had bean bags, a fridge, a hammock on the wall, and miscellaneous chairs across the room with a table with snacks. In one of the bean bags Genji sat there tapping his foot impatiently. Genji noticed Tracer and hopped out of a bean bag chair "Hey what are you here for?" He said, seemingly surprised to see her. "You never showed back up so I got worried about you" Tracer explained. As she spoke she got a little embarrassed, She didn't even know him that much but still she was compelled to see if he was alright. "Oh!Thanks, that means a lot to me Tracer.". Tracer was surprised to hear him so genuine, she thought he would have made some sort of sarcastic joke about it. "It's lovely to meet you" An omnic voice came from behind tracer. She turned around to see an omnic, Wearing worn out beage orange pants and a worn out red scratch around his waist, Tracer kinda got a hippie vibe from him. "It's rare to get a person that isn't forced to be here" Zenyatta chuckled."Oh hey I'm sorry i didn't even see you" Tracer said and introduced herself as well. "Ah i've heard about you from winston," Zenyatta said "The british girl with the chrono accelerator" The omnic seemed to say to himself "You're welcome to stay for as long as you want" He said.

"So quick question" Tracer said hopping into a bean bag as Genji did as well. "Why is this place so low tech?". Zenyatta got quiet and looked around the classroom. "The school board still isn't fond of omnics" He said, a little somber. Tracer felt bad for him, After the omnic crisis 7 years ago many activists have tried to get omnics their rights back. Overwatch High was a leading example of omnics being able to function in normal society, Hiring them as teachers and staff with minimal problems. Now Omnics are widely accepted, but hurdles still remain for them in many aspects of life. "That's bullshit," Genji said. Zenyatta chuckled "Tracer could you do me a favor?" Zenyatta asked. "Sure" she responded "Here's about 20 dollars, can you go down to the office and grab some soda for the fridge?" Tracer agreed and started walking towards the main office.

"Now Genji, we need to chat real quick" The omnic said turning down the T.V "Why did you attack Honzo?" he asked. "He got on my nerves plain and simple" Genji responded immediately. "Really now" the omnic said as he circled the classroom "So if i'm understanding this right, he somehow provoked you into a fight within just a few seconds" Zenyatta stopped and looked Genji in the eye. The silence in the room was only matched with the buzz of the lights. Zenyatta approached Genji staring at him, "You are not telling me everything" He accused, "So what if I'm not?" he shot back. "Genji, have you found out yet that you don't have a last name in our records" Genji looked confused "No last name? Did dad really scrub my last name from the school?" Genji thought to himself. Zenyatta put a hand on his shoulder "Genji from what i've gathered I believe you're going through a lot right now, I just want you to let me help" Genji wanted to run from this, he faced everything else alone why stop now, but deep inside him he felt like he should at least give it a shot. "It's a long story." He said "I don't wanna get into it right now." Even though he had shot his request of helping him down, Zenyatta still seemed pleased. "Well i'm glad you agreed to future sessions" The omnic stated, Genji looked at him dumb founded. He really only focuses on the victories doesn't he, Genji thought to himself. Shortly after tracer barged into the room 3 bags filled with various sodas, "Hey! I didn't know what to get so i got 2 of everything!" Tracer exclaimed as she burst into the room. Zenyatta responded "Good! I love variety!" He said as he helped Tracer put them into the fridge.

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