05. What's this About Purgatory?

Start from the beginning

He was still walking when he suddenly vanished into dust. Although I had wanted Crowley to leave, now I was forced to deal with the reality of listening to all the questions which Dean and Sam probably had to ask me about this stupid, stalker of a demon.

                For some obscured reason, instead of leaving my room when Crowley had Sam and Dean decided that it would be better for them just to adjust the positions which they stood in by the front door. Both of them stared at me as if I had grown an extra head in the amount of time it had taken for the conversation- well unwanted situation- with Crowley to end.

‘Is there anything else you wanted; I mean I don’t know about you but I’m shattered?’ I announced as I removed the grey, hooded jacket which I’d been wearing before tossing it onto an old chair.

Dean didn’t answer me; instead he crossed his arms and gave me a stern look as though he thought that would make me confess to all of my sins. ‘You know exactly what we want,’ he grunted when he realised that the stare alone wouldn’t make me say, or confess to anything.

‘To know what Crowley wanted?’ I questioned as I moved over to the door of my motel room. ‘I don’t know what he wanted, he just turned up,’ I lied.

‘Katia, a demon never randomly shows up without wanting something; not unless you summoned him,’ Sam put in this time. I couldn’t be bothered to deal with this right now; all I wanted was to go to bed and get some much needed sleep. If possible, this conversation would be done with for the rest of my life.

‘Yes, I obviously summoned a demon for no apparent reason other than to cause a scene,’ I muttered sarcastically as I pulled the door open. ‘Now if you’d kindly remove yourselves from my room, that would be greatly appreciated,’ I added on; with each word that left my mouth I was slowing getting more annoyed, Dean and Sam didn’t need to know every single detail about my life.

‘We’re trying to help you...’ Sam tried.

‘Well don’t,’ I snapped suddenly. ‘I’m not a kid anymore; I can take care of myself now get the hell out of my room!’ I yelled; neither Dean, nor Sam had expected my outburst and when it came they both looked slightly surprised to say the least. I took a deep breath whilst running my hands through my untied hair before walking back over to my bed; everything was happening way to fast and all I wanted was for it to stop, just for a second.

‘Katia,’ Dean spoke softly. I turned to look at him before standing up from my bed; without letting another word leave either of the boys’ mouths I was shoving them both- pretty quickly- away from my room and into the hallway of the motel. Once they were out I slammed the door shut gaining myself an angry knock on the wall from the neighbour next door.

‘I said I don’t need your help,’ I muttered quietly- Dean and Sam probably couldn’t even hear me- as a tear fell from my eye; I don’t know why I started to cry, I just couldn’t help it.


For the rest of the night Sam and Dean had left me alone; apparently my uproar had actually made some sort of point and they understood that all I wanted was to sleep, and be completely alone. The next time I heard anything from them was when either Dean or Sam pounded a fist against the wall at half seven in the morning.

A groan left my mouth as I managed to open my still tired eyes; they were begging to stay shut. Unfortunately Crowley’s visit had me awake until maybe half four in the morning as I just thought about life in general; why is it that when people are supposed to sleep every possible memory or thought returns to keep them awake?

Another thump from one of my brother’s pounding fist echoed around the room. ‘What?’ I managed to grumble as I sat up in my bed before pressing my ear against the paper-thin wall.

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