I sighed , I really wished my Riley was here .I dialed mom's number and she immediately picked

"Hey mom ." I greeted

"My son , how are you my son." She said quite emotionally

"Mom, are you crying ." I asked

"I -i am not crying . "She said sniffing telling me otherwise

"Mom you ,"I paused

"You know I don't like seeing women cry especially you Mom"

"I-i . "

"I -i-i-i am sorry." I stuttered in a hushed tone

"It is okay son ." She said

"Can I ask you something." She said after what I think was a long pause

"Hm ." I hummed

"Can you come for dinner , I miss you a-."

"No mom, I have work."

"So you can't spare a little time for me . I gave you that life you have now to work . "She shouted

"Mom mom , calm down."

"How do you expect me to calm down . I am suffering her since 4 years , I want to be your biggest strength not your weakness." She said angrily

"Fuck mom ." I cursed

"LANGUAGE son . "She shouted

"Mo- ." I was about to say but she already hung up

"FUCK ." I shouted and i threw my phone

"I can't go , not now . "I said dragging my hair

*Flashback *

"Hey babe." I greeted riley

"Hey davien ."

"Any plans for today ." She asked

"No but mom ask me if I could come for dinner."


"What did you say."

"No of course."


"Because I wanted to spend time with you ." I said smiling like an idiot and kissing her collar

"Are you crazy. "She asked and I was shocked at her outburst

"Bab- ."

Enough Davien .she is your "mother and wants to spend time with you , so what is the big deal ."

"But I thought - ."

"You thought what ? Uh ."

"You have to promise me that whether now or in the future anything your mom says , you will do it. Or else I will leave you ." She said

"No don't leave me , I promise ok."

"Good , so get dressed you are going to her house."

"Are you coming . "I asked

"No ." She replied

"Why." I asked

"It is because your mom wants to see you not me so get going babe." She said

Please come . I pouted

No mister , so go . She said pushing me out of her house




"I said go or this relationship ends here. "She threatened

"I am leaving. "

"Meanie." I said sticking out my tongue

"I love you ." I said

" I don't so go ."

"You are breaking my heart. I said

"I love you too ." She said

*End of flashback*

"Riley will be surely disappointed in me if I don't go ."

$I will have to leave now." I said grabbing my car keys .

I got there and I heard lots of voices and some sobs coming in from my mom's house.

"Good evening mister Davien." The house keeper said

"Good evening."

"Mom it's okay , Davien is just still very sad , he will come around ." Skylar said

Yeah mom he will ." Archer said

"If I see him I will spank him . Don't cry mom. "

"He doesn't love me anymore Hailey . "Mom said still sobbing

"He does . "Genesis said

"Mom wipe your tears ."

" C'mon let's eat . I am starving. Blake said and I finally spoke

"Without me ?. I asked and all head turned . Great just great

Hey guys , I am back again. Hope you missed me . I missed you . Please tell me what you think about this chapter.

Please let's hit 5 votes and please comment on this chapter. Thanks 😊
And I will be updating on Saturday so see you on Saturday

Always stay blessed and always productive


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