Sealed Up and A Baby Shower

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They stayed that way - talking to one another and to Ian - for quite some time. And then they got up to go for a walk and have dinner.

"You know - it's just not normal to have the baby shower this close to your due date."

"Lexie," Meredith smiled at her sister. "Will you please relax? Everything is going to be fine. Even though I think this shower business is pointless - I'm sure it'll be fun. In some strange way."

Lexie let out a giant puff of air. "You're right," she finally agreed. "Molly just has me all worked up, I guess. She's convinced you're going to go into labor in the middle of her party tomorrow."

"I thought it was mine and Derek's party - in honor of our baby," Meredith giggled.

"Yeah, you keep thinking that. Just please, please don't go into labor during the baby shower."

"I'm pretty sure you can stop worrying about that, Lex. According to Dr. Chu - I'm sealed up tight."

"What?" Lexie asked with a frown. Then her face cleared, and she said, "Ewww. Meredith, there are some things I just don't need or even want to know. God," she said irritably and walked away from her laughing sister.

"What's wrong with her?" Mark asked as he walked up to Meredith at the nurses station.

"You don't want to know," she answered as she shifted on her feet - trying to ease the dull ache in her back.

"I do want to know," Mark answered and then frowned as he saw Meredith grimace slightly. "Are you all right, Mer?"

"Yeah," she sighed and then went to carefully sit down. "I'm just one hundred months pregnant and a little uncomfortable - that's all."

Mark quickly came around the desk and knelt in front of her. "Are you in labor? Do you need me to get Derek for you? What are -"

"Mark," Meredith cut him off, "I am not in labor."

"But you just said -"

"That I'm uncomfortable," she interrupted again. "Thank you for caring about us but this little guy is not ready to come out yet."

"How do you know?" Mark insisted, "You've never had a baby. You don't really know what to expect. You said your back hurts - that could be back labor."

"You know about back labor?" Meredith asked in surprise.

"I did a Gynie rotation for my Residency - same as everyone else."

"You remember back labor?"

"All right fine," Mark looked embarrassed. "I've been reading up on labor, delivery and some other baby stuff in case you and Derek need some help."

"Oh," Meredith said and was surprised to feel her eyes fill with tears. "That's really sw -"

"Yeah, yeah," Mark interrupted and stood up. "Let's just have you checked out to make sure you aren't in early labor."

"I'm not in any stage of labor," Meredith said stubbornly.

"You don't know that."

"Actually, I do," Meredith insisted.


"Just trust me," Meredith giggled.

"No," Mark said and crossed his arms. "Either you get checked out or tell me how you're so certain you're not in labor."

"Jesus," Meredith mumbled, starting to feel irritated and smothered. "Fine," she said. "I know I'm not in labor because when Derek and I saw Dr. Chu two days ago she said I'm sealed up tight Also, that we should be prepared for the possibility of a c-section. Anything else you think I'm too stupid to know about my own body and my baby?"

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