The Haberdashery

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The Kids wearing winter clothing are resting sat on a rock formation just over half way up Mount Albert. The landscape around the is snow covered and glistening white. Ve in a green jacket, pants and snow boots opens her backpack to reveal Titus inside "do you want to come out and stretch you legs a little?"

"Are we out of the snow yet?" Ve shakes her head in answer. "Then no, I'm good here thank you so very much." Ve giggle and then closes the backpack. "Is he okay?" Max asks. "He's fine." Max and Jay are wearing black clothing and Dean's in red puts the finishing touches on the five snowman he's built. He walks back twenty meters and shouts "Guys watch!" Rapidly throwing five fire balls at their heads from left to right. The first four hit but before the fifth decapitates the snowman the fire's blocked by a wall of snow dousing the flame. "Oh shit I built an Artist snowman!" He shouts and then Jay states "Dean I think she did that" Dean look to the top of the snow mound where Jay's pointing to see a girl around their age wearing a blue and white snow jacket and pants with a hood up. On her feet she has a snowboard that she uses to get down the mound skidding to a stop in front of Dean covering him in snow. Dean spits the snow out of his mouth as she asks "what did that poor snowman do to you?"

"Hay there My names Max, this is Dean, Ve and Jay." The girl takes down her hood to reveal she has long blond hair and a pretty face "I'm Suki nice to meet you. What are you doing on the mountain? We don't normally get climbers this time of year."

"We're heading to Volcanic City and the main road through the tunnels closed so we have to climb over."

"Put your hands up if you've climbed before" She orders and they all leave their hands down. "Well then it's good I found you, otherwise you'd all be dead before night fall." Suki takes off her snowboard and clips it to a strap on her back. "Are you going to help us over the mountain?" Max questions in a hopeful tone. "Well I can't just leave you to die out here. We'll head towards Felicities Haberdashery. We should get there around sundown and in the morning it'll be a straight board down."

"Sounds good to me."

"It's settled then we'll follow the girl that can keep us alive" Jay states and they all get ready to move. Suki takes the lead and the others follow her as they climb further up the Mount Albert.

Suki and Ve are walking out ahead with Dean behind them. Max and Jay are walking at the back. "Suki seems nice" Max states. "Well the Ice Artists are known for their friendly hospitality." Max glances towards Jay forcing him to ask "what?"

"You know a lot about a lot."

"I've been on the journey a couple of years now. If you listened to me more you'd learn a few things yourself." Max laughs and Dean drops back to join them "What are you guys taking about. Suki?"

"Dean do you want to talk about Suki?" Jay asks with a smirk upon his face. "No but since you are, what do you think of her?"

"She nice, kind, friendly and beautiful so you have no chance."


"I love you Dean but Jays right that girl's too good for you. She clearly smart, sophisticated and your trash at best." Deans face drops "screw you Max and screw you Jay. I'm taking my shot." Dean walk off head joining the girls. "That girls going to shoot him down so quick." They continue walking and then Ve drops back to the boys leaving Dean with Suki. "What's going on up there?" Jay asks. "Deans just started to pull out his moves so I dropped back to give them space. Why didn't you two tell him she's too good for him. That girl's nectar and he's garbage. Second grade garbage at that." The boys laugh with Max informing "we told him but he didn't want to listen."

"That poor naive little boy." The kids continue to walk until Suki states "Lets take ten." They all gather together and Max opens Victoria's bag to check on Titus who's sleeping. "Is he okay?"

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