The Darkness Behind The Light

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A couch pulls up in the Alberry bus station and the kids get off with Titus following behind. Alberry is a small town at the base of Mount Albert, the largest mountain in Isle Damerto. The town largely consists of wooden buildings and has one main hight street. Alberry is normally used as a travellers last stop before heading up the mountain. Dean stands in the street looking up at Albert. "We're going up that?"

"You wanted to go to Volcanic City" Jay states. "Well how did I know the main road would be closed."

"Dean with the Albert Tunnel under construction the only way to Volcanic city from here is over that mountain" Ve informs with Max adding "come on dude, if nothing else it's an experience."

"So the plan is we rest up here tonight and hit the mountain first thing in the morning" Jay informs as they all start walking towards the towns only hotel. "I used to date a very lovely woman in this town" Titus informs them then Dean states "maybe she's still around."

"Wouldn't matter, if she's still around she'd be a hundred by now. That on top of the fact that I'm trapped in a cat makes it pretty pointless to look her up." They walk into the hotel and Jay stands by the counter. A woman with short blond hair wearing a dark blue suit and glasses walks from the back asking "how can I help?"

"I need two rooms for the night." The woman pulls him a look and then states "I thought you already checked in."

"No. Me and my friends have only just got here."

"Well we have a guest that looks just like you" the woman laughs and then checks them into two rooms. "Here are your key. It's the next floor up, last two rooms on the left."

"Thank you" Jay takes the keys and then he and the others go up to the rooms. "Right we have one room with a double and one with two singles" Jay informs out side of them. "Well that's easy then" Ve states grabbing the key for the two singles off him and leading Dean to the room. Max rolls his eye's as Jay states "I'm getting the felling that girl has a motive." They both go into the room, Max jumps on the bed straight away with Titus joining him as Jay walks towards the window and looks out. A few moments pass and Max states "your looking worried. Which is not a look I've seen on your face before."

"I'm okay."

"No your not because I can feel it in the pit of my stomach." Jay turns throwing Max a look. "This soul bond goes both ways. What's up?"

"Something the receptionist said down stairs. There's a guest here that looks just like me."

"So?" Max questions not seeing what there is to worry about. "So I know someone that looks just like me and nothing good happens when he's around."

Ve walks out into the lobby heading to the shop over the road when she sees Jay in the lounge area reading a paper. "Hay Jay! I'm off to the shop do you want anything?" He looks up towards her "I'll come with you." He throws down the paper and then they both head out. As they walk around the shop Ve asks "where's Max?" Jay looks in thought for a moment "the room."

"I thought you'd be spending your time in the room with him." Jay throws her a look and Ve just giggles. "Square with me Jay. You like Max right and I mean you like, like Max?" Jay laughs before answering "No. I just use Max to fill the time." Victoria's face drops and she informs in a disgusted tone "that's horrible. I've know Max for a long time and he's a good guy. I really believe he feels for you so if your just dragging him along, then you might as well just leave." Jay grins then reaches out running his hand through Victoria's hair "well if you prefer we could fill the time." Ve slaps his hand away "You disgust me!" She storms off as Jay laughs. She makes her way straight into Max's room shouting "Jays a dick head!"

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