Combat Arts

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The kids walk onto the jetty at the river and an old man asks "are you three looking for someone?"

"We are yes, a skipper called James" Dean answers. "You've found her." They look round to see a girl in her mid twenties jumping from a river sail boat onto the jetty. She has long brunet hair with a hour glass body frame to die for. She's wearing short shorts of a navy blue colour and a skin tight white and blue striped top that compliments her shape perfectly. "I was kinder expecting a man" Ve informs looking at the beauty standing before her. "Yeah most people do. I think my parents wanted a boy. Now what can I do for you kids?"

"Were wanting to be taken down the river all the way to the coast" Max informs. "You don't want to take the river that far down" The old man states from behind them. "We heard the river was the fastest way."

"That it is but it's not the safest, not that far down anyway."

"Don't listen to that old fool. Some of the skippers around here believe that part of the river is haunted."

"Haunted?" Dean questions before continuing "I'm not all that comfortable with haunted rivers of haunted anything for that matter."

"Heed my warning James. If you take these kids down that end of the river their not all going to be coming back."

"Old folklore and river stories all of it. If you kids are happy to go, I'm happy to take you."

"We're happy. When can we set off?" Max asks in excitement. "Well I'd need to stock up on supplies for that kind of trip. We should be ready to go first thing in the morning."

"Great we'll return in the morning then."

"We set sail at dawn, see you then." James tugs on a halyard and a pulley lifts her into the air as she swings back on to the boat. The three kids walk off the jetty and into the park by the riverside.

The three Artists walk through the park to see a small group of kids standing around a twenty five meter diameter circle of flat stone. "Guys them kids are having a Combat Arts match" Dean states in excitement as he moves closer to get a better look with the other two follow him. On the combat platform two teen boys are trading blows punch after punch. The larger of the two is wearing combat art robes consisting of silk trousers and shirt, his are black in colour. The smaller kid is wearing blue trousers and white t-shirt. The bigger kid hits him in the face sending him to the floor. Quickly from the ground he wields the water out of one of the bottles on the side lines and throws it as a blade towards his opponent. The bigger kid charges static around him and releases a bolt of lightning that travels up the water striking the wielder. The boy goes flying towards the edge of the plant form skidding to a stop before falling out. "It's that Alex?" Ve questions looking at the bigger kid. "For the love of the arts it is" Dean then confirms taking a closer look. Alex Jumps spinning through the air throwing another bolt at the boy stand hitting him and knocking he off the platform. The kids around cheer and chant his name as he then walks over and holds out his hand. The boy takes it and Alex helps him to his feet. They both then walk back into the centre of the platform and bow respectfully towards each other before bowing towards their audience. "Lets get out of here" Max orders and the three turn to quickly walk away but stop when they hear Alex say "noway is that Max, Dean and Victoria I see!" They slowly turn back around as Max says "hay Alex."

"Your shitting me!" He then shouts as he runs over to them. "How are you guys. It's good to see you finally got out of Old Beck."

"Yeah well I turn sixteen so it was time to start the journey."

"Isn't that the way? But I thought you two turned sixteen months ago" Alex questions looking at Ve and Dean. "We did but we waited around until Max could join us" Ve informs him. "You see that's where you messed up. I got out of that town the moment I could, I waited around for no one and now I'm the most powerful Electric Artist this side of the capital."

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