The Young Travellers

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The three kids are walking up the dirt road heading west, around them is nothing but rocks and dead land. The sun is beating down upon them as Dean asks in an exhausted tone "how far is the next town"

"The sign back there said seventy three miles" Max answers. "How far back?"

"About a mile."

"Oh for the love of fire! I thought the plan was to hitch hike."

"It still is Dean and when you see a car let us know" Ve says sarcastically. "You make a good point."

"Not many people drive this far out!" A male voice shouts and the kids look over to see a boy of a year or two older then them sitting in the shade of a large bolder. "Hay look someone else has survived. Maybe we're not as doomed as we thought" Dean says and Ve informs "the vultures circling us seem to disagree with you." They head over to the boy as the sound of the birds screeches fill the air above them. "This is a good a place as any to rest for a moment."

"Please join me. There's enough shadow to go round, for now at least." They all sit in the shadow as Max states "Hay I'm Max, this is Dean and Ve."

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Jay." Jay has his hair in the same style as Max but his is a shade lighter. He wears black trousers with a white shirt and open black waistcoat. "So what are you three doing all the way out here then?"

"We're on the journey heading west for the Spirit Temple."

"Oh cool. I'm also on the journey heading west for no reason at all." "So which one of you is the Spirit Artist?"

"I am."

"Well your definitely the cutest Spirit Artist I've ever met." Max blushes slightly as he asks "how many have you met?"

"Your the first." Dean laughs and then informs "ha, that makes you number one on a list of one."

"Yeah but that wasn't my point. You know what I mean?" Jay questions Max with a flirtatious tone and a wink. Max's blush deepens and then Ve states "well we better get going" as she stands up. The two boys stand up after her and then Max asks "Jay if your heading west as well then why don't you join us?"

"You know what Max, I think I just might." Jay stands up and the four of them head off walking through the midday heat with the vultures following overhead.

As night falls Ve states "we should set up camp here." They push of to the side of the road. Ve places her hand on a patch of dead grass. Suddenly the grass comes back to life growing and entwining itself into a tent. "That's awesome" Jay states as he watches her and Ve shoots him a smile "thanks handsome." The boys gather some fire wood and Dean waves his hand over to light it. The four of them sit around the fire as Dean asks "does anyone have any food left?" They all look around at each other and all answer "no." Jay takes a look up "Has anyone had vulture before?" The others shake their heads and then Dean states "you don't have vultures, vultures have you. That's the way it goes." Jays hand starts to glow with the light from within him. A blade of pure light forms and he throws it hitting one of the vultures out of the air. "What a shot!" Jay gets up and retrieves the bird. They talk and get to know each other as Jay plucks and guts the poultry. He places the meat over the open flames and a little time later the four of them are digging in. "This isn't half bad" Dean informs before biting off another mouth full. "Tastes just like chicken" Ve then adds and Max states "every bird tastes like chicken." They finish dinner before heading off to get some rest. Dean and Ve climb into the grass tent and as Max goes to follow them he notices Jay laying down on the ground next to the fire. "Dude you can sleep in the tent if you want."

"I'm good out here. I like sleeping under the stars." Max looks up to see thousands of stars shining like a sea of diamonds in the sky. "How about instead of hiding away in there, you join me out here."

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