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In the small town of Old Beck a young boy wakes up on the morning of his sixteenth birthday. The sun shines into his eyes as he stretches and yawns. The boy has long brown hair swapped to the right and sapphire blue eyes. He climbs out of his bed and gets ready for the day, he places on his blue jeans and white shirt collar open. The shirt has long sleeves but he wears them with a single roll in the cuffs. The boy slips on his dark brown boots and then heads off down stairs. The small TV in the kitchen is playing the Combat Arts news. "Tonight Christopher Keen is competing to defend is title as Isle Damertos champaign Artist. Can he hold on to it? We'll find out at seven pm" the reporter states as the boy walks in and turns off the TV. "Hay I were watching that." A woman informs wearing a blue summer dress with long blond hair that see wear in a style to cover the scares on the left side of her face from a burn. He rolls his eyes "Morning Mum."

"Good morning birthday boy." His mum kisses his cheek as she passes him a card and his breakfast. He starts to eat as he opens the card and reads To Max, Happy Birthday, I hope you get everything you want in this life, love always Mum. "Thanks Mum."

"I'm just sorry I couldn't get you anything more." Max smiles and them states "the cards perfect." He kisses his mums cheek and then finishes his breakfast. After he cleans his plate he takes an old looking brown leather jacket off a hook by the door and places it on. "Going out?"

"Yeah Mum. I'm off to see if I can shake something loose." His mum laughs and then asks "you don't feel any different then?"

"Not yet."

"Well if you take after you father I'm sure you'll be the strongest Artist before your seventeen."

"See you later Mum."

"Remember be good and if you can't be good..."

"Don't get caught" Max states as he walks out of the house. He walks down the dirt road to a field at the end of his small street. Old Beck is a small town with every little to do so most kids play games portending to be their favourite Artist types. Max walks onto the lush green grass that looks out of place in the dusty town street. The grass grows wrapping around his legs and planting him in position. "Ve let me go" he orders as a girls walks out. She has short black hair wearing black trousers and a dark green skin tight top. "It's no fun if I just let you go" she states flirtatiously slowly walking towards him as the grass grows thicker and wraps him up all the way to his waist. "Anything yet?"

"No, now let me go."

"She probably would if you just give her that kiss she's been dying for since we were nine" A male voice states as a boy with short blond hair walks over. "Dean a little help here." Dean is wearing black trousers and t-shirt with a red open shirt over the top. "I told you to start calling me Blaze" Dean states as fire ignites from his hands. "Yeah no one's doing that dude" Max informs and Ve adds "never." Dean starts to shake his hands shouting "It won't die out!" With an explosion of flame the boy sends himself crashing to the ground. "I meant to do that."

"Sure you did" Ve states as he stands back to his feet asking Max "Have you still not worked out what art you are yet?"

"No, how long was before you guys knew?"

"Well on my birthday I woke up to my bedroom being on fire. So I knew straight away."

"I knew the moment I walked into the garden and the grass started to grow uncontrollably. My dad was so pissed off" Ve informs with a laugh and Max questions "why?"

"Because he's the one that cuts it."

"You most be feeling something by now dude, it's almost midday"

"I'm not. The only thing I can feel is this grass getting tighter around my legs" Max informs throwing Ve a look. "Well if you can't pull it out of you, then maybe I can squeeze it out." Ve clenches a fist and the grass tightens. "When I find out what my art form is I'm going to use it to hurt you."

"Max, don't you threaten me with a good time." Max smiles and then states "but seriously, let me go."

"I'm sure if you think really hard about it, you'll get yourself out."

"Just let me go!" Max shouts with a hint of anger and as he does the grass around him unwraps and retreats into the ground. "Thank you."

"That wasn't me" Ve informs pulling a look. "Dude you're a Floral, that's so gay" Dean laughs and then a vine whips out of the ground knocking him to the floor. "That however was me. Max try to grow something"


"Just think about what you want to do." Dean climbs to his feet and states "your lucky that you're a girl because if you wasn't I'd burn you." "You can't even control your fire Dean. The only thing your ever going to burn is yourself." Max tries his best to think about growing grass but nothing happens. "It's not working, maybe I'm not a Floral."

"But then explain how you remover my grass."

"I don't know lets just not do this" Max orders in a frustrated tone as he turns and walks off. "Do you think he's going to be okay?"

"Once he works out who he is, I'm sure he'll be find."

"Did you mark my face?" Ve turns and looks at the large red mark on Deans cheek and then answers "no, your still pretty." Ve walks off as Dean says to himself "good because I like been pretty." He then follows her and they both go try to help Max find out what art form he is.

Master Of The Art- Book Of Isle DamertoWhere stories live. Discover now