Chapter 3 - Mounting Pressures

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"She's been quite a handful, hasn't she?"

Kazuki, with a bored expression on his face, raised an eyebrow and looked at the classmate who was seated beside him in front of the cafeteria table. He cannot read Uehara's expression, but judging from the flat tone that she used, she was probably not in a pleasant mood as well.

"You said it."

"What's that all about, anyway? You sure you only met her in that event?"


That was clearly not the case for Kazuki. However, he just silently nodded as he surveyed the busy cafeteria before he resumed drinking his soda.

He had been feeling lethargic the past day, much more than usual, thanks to that idol who's now his classmate. For the whole of yesterday, she had been bugging him and being uncomfortably clingy towards him. It was a really bad show, some sort of fake relationship wannabe, only it was one-sided.

At this point, Kazuki had the idea that it was to spite him. That devious idol, knowing the difference in their stature, knew exactly how to irritate him. She had school newcomer protection, and he's at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to social influence. As an unfortunate side effect, yesterday also uncovered much of the resentment some people held towards him.

The fact that some classmates still looked at him that way hurt him more than he would like. Weren't people supposed to just get over things and forget anything happened if you just disappear and fade into the background?

Apparently not.

Kazuki recalled Hikari's worried look and words as he dropped her off her school a while ago. He could hide few things from his doting and super-competent sister, and the effects of yesterday were not one of them.

Even Hikari noticed it, huh?

"Yo, Arata. We're here!"

Walking with Amagi, Shiki made his presence felt as he approached the two. In contrast to Kazuki, Shiki was in a complete high, his lively words fitting in with the excited chatters that filled the cafeteria. With much enthusiasm, he placed his lunchbox on the table.

"What's up, Arata? You seem extra gloomy today?"

Kazuki simply sighed before Shiki suddenly shouted.

"Oh, is it anything to do with Yuki-tan? You are so lucky. Man, how do you get an idol to fall for you? And Yuki-tan, too! I'd kill for a relationship with her!"

Seeing his dreamy eyes that seemingly shone with excitement, Kazuki gave a dry laugh.

"Then do the honors and get her off me, then."

"Yeah, you should do that," Amagi immediately chimed in.

"I agree."

Uehara, with her eyes closed and arms on her chest, agreed almost instantaneously.

"Ehh? W-what's with the sudden enthusiasm from you two?" wondered Shiki as he kept looking back and forth at the two girls.

Kazuki saw the clueless expression on his spiky-haired friend and felt the urge to either laugh or facepalm.

"Nothing. It's just that I think someone as amazing as her would be the perfect fit for you, Shiki," said Uehara.

"I agree. It's time for your big break now, Shiki," followed Amagi as she put her lunchbox down and found her seat beside Kazuki.

"Awww, what's gotten into you two angels today? That's too kind of you!"

"Nothing," answered the two girls in unison.

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