I can do it

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Well..i am still a cancer patient and it is the worst. Yesterday Katie and i got into a fight and I kinda started it in the first place. And honestly I don't feel like myself anymore and Mom and dad think that I am dealing with anixety but i am always ok and sometimes I am anxious about things. While i was at Katie's house that barista guy Aiden was there and they were kissing ew why.. I walked in my room and saw them kissing and said "Guys stop kissing and I need to talk to both of you right now please." Katie sat up and looked at me." Okay so I am having a hard time dealing with cancer and my anixety is getting worse and i really need.." Katie cut me off and said " I know that you need more help at home with the kids..you told me." Thank goodness for Katie she knew what i needed and what i am going through. And she deals with some anixety too so she can help me and I can help her.

Alexa and Katie. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz