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When i got home from the hospital i called my mom and dad and said " so i am having a baby agian." I smiled big at them and they said " we are so happy for you Alexa." I smiled and drove back home to surprise Spencer and Ava. When i got home from mom and dads house I yelled " Spencer and Ava come to the living room i have something to tell you guys!" They both cane down stairs and i said "Ava and Spencer i am going to have a baby agian." Ava's face lite up and Spencer said " i am so happy for you Alexa." I smiled and then kissed him on the forehead and then drove to Katie's house to tell her. I climbed the tree and Katie was already up there. "Oh good you are already up here there is something that I need to tell you." She looked at me and i said " I am going to have a baby agian." She smiled and said " congrats Lex i am so happy for you." I hugged her and said "  thanks Katie love ya."

Alexa and Katie. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin