Oh boy

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My ankle hurts worse than yesterday and I feel like I can't move on it. Katie and I are still staying at my house and we have had the best nights of Our Lives. Last night we watch movies together which made me feel a little better but I feel like she kind of doesn't understand what I'm going through right now. I mean yeah she was together with Ryan a year and  broke up with him but she doesn't understand. I got up because I needed to go get some water. I haven't been to the doctor for my ankle because I thought it would be fine but Katie drove me to the hospital so I can get x-rays on my ankle to make sure everything was okay. they said that I had sprained it and they gave me crutches to walk on that was fun. I walked out of the hospital with crutches that was the worst day of my life besides having cancer of course but that's was a little different than that.

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