"Your being so helpful" Sapnap murmured

"But it's okay. Because we are your family now, and we are not going to leave you like they did."

I smiled softly, "thanks, and sorry about that..."

"It's ok Tommy." Ranboo smiled, then looked at the other two as if daring them to say different, "If there was ever a time to break down it was then."

I smiled, "I'm gonna head home."

"Ok, bye Tommy!"


(Third pov)

Ranboo watched Tommy go, a fond smile on his face, but once the teen went out of view his face turned to one of rage.

"Dream, do you know we're Techno is."

Dream nodded, his stance was rigid, showing the full amount of rage he was feeling.

"Good." Sapnap said, "We're going."

They all nodded their agreement and went to go get supplies if things turn... ugly. Once they had all their things they set out towards a winter Tiaga.


Techno was relaxing in his house when knock rang out the house. Techno got up and answered the door to be met with Dream, Sapnap, and Ranboo.

"Hey" Dream greeted. "Can we com in."

Techno nodded and stepped to the side, "So what brings you here, also if your trying to get me to apologize for the withers the answer is no."

"Oh we're over that" Sapnap said.

"And if you want Phil because of what happened to Wil I will kill you."

"No, Ghostburs not upset about it so we have no right to be." Ranboo spoke

"So then what do you want." Phil said, finally emerging from were ever he was hiding.

"Tommy." Was all Dream said.

"What about him." Techno replied, his face held anger.

"We know your family." The two sleepy bois head whipped towards Ranboo so fast he was surprised they didn't break their own necks.


"We were talking about family," Ranboo supplied, "and when we asked Tommy he started sobbing, said he had a family once, but his father left when he was young, one of his brothers went insane and died, and the other just doesn't care. We asked who they were, he said Wilbur Soot, Technoblade, and Philza Minecraft."

"How do you know he wasn't lying." Phil said, anger in his voice, Techno however was just looking down.

"Ok, wow, Tommy told us you didn't recognize him but we thought Techno would tell you that your youngest son was here." Sapnap scoffed

"Tommy was sobbing on my shoulder, telling me that he wanted his brothers back. Telling me that he wanted the old Techno and Wil. Telling me that HE WAS SCARED, THAT HE WAS SCARED OF YOU, TECHNO." Ranboo glared at Techno, who's normally impassive face was shocked

Techno dropped his head into his hands when he talked his voice came out muffled, "I never meant for him to be scared of me."

"Well its a little to late for that now." Dream hissed.

"Wait," Phil intervened, " your telling me that Tommyinnit is the same Tommy as my son?"

"Yes, they are dad." Techno said, his face still in his hands.

"Oh god. I killed Wil in front of my youngest." Phil said, his face paling.

"Listen, we don't mind if you try to make things right with Tommy," Techno looked up from his hands, a spark of hope in his eyes while he looked at Dream, " but if you hurt him, I will use all my power as admin to rip. You. Apart."

Without another word the three men left. Leaving the broken family to their thoughts.


Just something I came up with and wanted to write.

By the way, if you haven't noticed most of my oneshots are Tommyinnit angst. It's because I see soooo much potential to make this mans life hell and I need it. But I will be trying to do different stuff. So that Wilbur with a therapy dog is coming soon! (What do you think I should name the dog?)


Ok bye bye

Sleepy Bois OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora