Kinikinik, CO 02/02/2020 11:11 AM

66 5 3

"Come on girls...let's go!"

Mom shouted from the front door. "Dad is already in the car. We have to leave now as the journey is far." Mom was a teacher, so strong and so bright. Learning from her was a pleasant delight.

A voice from upstairs said, "Ah, this will be a bore. I don't want to go plus my foot is still sore," said Ava. Ava was adventurous and mighty at heart, she hurt her foot doing cartwheels in the yard.

Mom replied, "Girls, you know your father doesn't want to be late or have to rush or be delayed." Mom was excited about the trip. After all, teaching is her profession. She not only wanted to make sure that her own children, Anna and Ava, were educated properly but also wanted to teach other children as well.

"We have plans to meet, Hannah and Halah at the show so Ava and I can't go," said Anna.

"Honk, Honk" was the sound of the car horn. The girls come rushing out of the house and climb into the car. "I'm sorry girls but there will be no show, its time to go." said Dad. "But, Dad." said Ava. "Its not even noon." Dad responded, "Well, if we move fast, we'll get there soon. Time is of the essence, my dear."

Anna and Ava were not too excited about their trip to Discovery. They would rather spend the day with their friends. They were twins by nature and opposites at best but the trip to Discovery would put both of their minds to the test.

During the drive, the family followed the Cache la Poudre River towards Fort Collins and there was so much greenery. The national forestry provides serene ambiance and great scenery.

Something definitely caught Ava's attention. "Wow, those are really weird boats in the water?", said Ava as the family's minivan cruised down Poudre Canyon Rd.

"That my dear is a kayak. They were once considered and used as boats to hunt on inland lakes, rivers and coastal waters for food and are believed to be at least 4,000 years old," said Dad.

"Cool!!" said Ava with astonishment.

"Kayak is also a palindrome." said Mom.

"A pollywa?" said Ava.

"A palindrome. " said, Mom. "It signifies a word that has the same letters in the same order forwards and backwards and can be read the same both ways to still make the same word." said, Mom.

"Such as Taco Cat." said Anna.

"Mom, Anna's name calling!" shouted Ava.

"Ha Ha, oh, honey. Taco Cat is another example of a palindrome...See."

Mom pulled out a piece of paper and began writing. "Look." On the paper she had written the word Taco Cat.

"If I replace the first letter with the last letter, I still get the same word, forward and backwards." replied, Mom.

"Neat!" said, Ava.

"Not neat but WOW is the palindrome, genius." said, Anna.

"MOM", shouted Ava.

"Come on, girls. Please be civil. Did you know that our names are palindromes too as well as the town we live in?" said Mom. "Hey, come to think of it, today's date and time we left are too. Let's see if we can find more palindromes along the way to brighten up this glorious day."

"There's a lot more to see at Discovery." said Dad.

Everyone laughs. As the family approaches the fish hatchery, Mom implodes her hilarious charisma. "What do you call a fish with a tie?", said Mom.

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