Namjoon nodded, okay with that.

Yoongi lowered the black fabric, draping it over the students eyes. He tied it in a loose knot in the back, so it would be easy to remove.

Namjoon went still as soon as his vision was taken away. The fabric was soft, and he knew it was only him and Yoongi in the room, but his heart started to pound anyways.

It had been dark in that alley too.

"Are you okay, baby?" Yoongi's deep voice asked from somewhere above him.

Namjoon nodded, biting his lip.

He reached his hand out, and Yoongi was quick to grab it, holding him tightly with both hands.

"You're not ready to be touched sexually yet, you almost fell apart in the red room." Yoongi explained, pressing a soft kiss to Namjoon's hand. "So before we can start anything like that up again, you need to get used to me touching you, okay baby? You can stop at any time."

Namjoon nodded again, thinking this would be easy. He could beat this session no problem, and then it would be one less victory for Yoongi.

"Dom won't take your clothes off." Yoongi assured him. "And you can say stop whenever you need a break, okay?"

Namjoon just nodded again, wondering where his words had gone.

Yoongi looked down at the boy, taking in how small he looked, hands gripping Yoongi's tightly.

His eyes flicked up to Namjoon's lips, and he leaned down to hover above them.

Namjoon felt soft breaths hit his face and his heart skipped a beat when he realized how close Yoongi must be.

"Did she kiss you, baby?"

Namjoon froze, mind transporting him back to that vacation, back to that bar, back to that alley.

"Don't tell me you've never kissed a girl before!" She laughed, tossing her long hair back over her shoulder. "Someone as gorgeous as you has to have admirers!"

Her eyes narrowed and she got closer, pressing herself against Namjoon.

"Is your girlfriend going to be mad if I kiss you?"

"Uh, I...don't have a gi-"

Lips were shoved against his and he froze, not knowing what to do.

"Baby, it's okay." Yoongi quickly wiped away the tears that had started to leak from under the blindfold. "She's not here, it's just me, do you want to stop?"

Namjoon shook his head, hating himself for crying already. Yoongi hadn't even started and Namjoon had already lost.

Yoongi was right...Namjoon wasn't ready for anything yet.

He held back his soft sobs, wanting to get over this.

He nodded in response to Yoongi's first question. "Yes...she kissed me. A lot. I didn't want her to, but I didn't know how to get her to stop. I didn't want to be rude or hurt her...but she wouldn't stop coming onto me and...I didn't know what to do."

Yoongi sighed silently at hearing this.

He had been taken advantage of, repeatedly, because he didn't want to be a bad guy.

Oh, Namjoon...

Yoongi leaned down again, brushing their noses together. "Can dom kiss you, baby?"

Namjoon sucked in a breath, parting his lips slightly. His fingers gripped the sheets beneath him, trying to stop shaking.

He nodded after a few moments, ready.

Yoongi's hands moved, one threading through the boys hair in the way he knew Namjoon liked, the other reaching down to gently cup the boys cheek, running his thumb back and forth over the dimple imprint on the boys soft cinnamon skin.

He leaned down, his parted lips just an atom away from Namjoon's, and then he softly pressed them together.

Namjoon's breath left him, his hands shooting up on their own accord to grip Yoongi's arms, his fingers digging into the doms sweatshirt.

Yoongi pulled back- well, as much as he could when Namjoon was still grabbing onto him. "Are you okay, baby? Do you need to stop?"

Namjoon swallowed hard and licked his lips.

As soon as the dom's soft lips had touched his own, he had unwillingly flashed back to that bar, confusing Yoongi for her, and his heart would not stop pounding.

He squeezed his eyes shut behind the blindfold, gripping Yoongi's arms tightly as he mentally assured himself that it was only Yoongi here with him, Yoongi kissing him, not her, not anyone else.

He finally nodded. "I'm...okay..."

"Are you sure? We can stop-"

"Kiss me again." Namjoon demanded, wanting to stop seeing her.

He wanted it to be only Yoongi.

Yoongi hesitated, before leaning down again.

He paused, letting Namjoon feel how close he was, and gently pressed their lips together again.

He didn't put pressure on it or use tongue, Namjoon wasn't ready for that yet.

Her- Yoongi- her- Yoongi- the rain- the alcohol- Yoongi's scent- Yoongi's bedroom- the cold, wet alley behind the bar- her laughter- Yoongi's deep voice- "Come on, don't be a prude!"- Yoongi's fingers in his hair- "This is my boyfriend, you don't mind if he joins us, right, cutie?"-

Namjoon flashed between the memory and reality, finally pushing Yoongi back. "Fuck!"

Yoongi's hand shot out and grabbed the blindfold, ripping it off and Namjoon blinked under the bright lighting.

"Wh- why'd you stop?" The student asked, as if he didn't realize he had shoved Yoongi away.

Yoongi booped the students little nose. "We're done for today."

Namjoon's mouth opened but no words came out. "Wh- what? Why?"

"You made a lot of good progress today, baby. We'll continue it tomorrow." Yoongi said.

Namjoon didn't feel like he had made any progress at all, but Yoongi was wise and he trusted what the dom said, so he felt happy for himself.

Yoongi was sliding off the bed, and Namjoon shot a hand out to stop him, yanking him back.

Maybe he was a little too strong, or Yoongi was lighter than Namjoon realized, because he accidentally yanked the dom on top of him.

Yoongi groaned, picking himself up, and realized he was now sitting on Namjoon's chest, straddling him.

Namjoon realized it too, and he held Yoongi's slim waist with both hands. "Stay, you're fine. You weigh like three pounds, you're not hurting me."

To his surprise, Yoongi blushed.

The dom raised his head and tilted it slightly, looking at Namjoon with an expression the student couldn't quite place.

"What?" He asked.

Yoongi leaned down again, his hands on either side of Namjoon's head, and Namjoon's mouth opened slightly on reflex.

They didn't need words, somehow they were both thinking the same thing, and they kissed again.

This time, holding Yoongi close, Namjoon didn't think about her at all.

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