Detention and Raves

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The bell rings and Lydia hurries out of class with Stiles following right behind her. "I'm not supposed to tell anyone," Lydia spoke casually.

 "Anyone who says I'm not supposed to tell anyone is always dying to tell someone. Tell me," Stiles needed to know what was going on with her and Jackson.

"Why do you want to know?"

"I can't tell you that," he answered conclusively.

"Then I'm not telling you," she decided nonchalantly, not wanting to answer the request.

"But you are telling me you could tell me something if you wanted to tell me?" 

His words confused Lydia, wanting to see how he'd respond. "Was that a question?"

Stiles took a moment, but was also confused. "It felt like a question."

"Well, tell me if this feels like an answer: No," She starts off again. As he goes after her, they pass Erica. Watching the two of them with interest, she follows.

Stiles pushes his way through the rush of students trying to catch up with Lydia. "Lydia, wait. Lydia—," A hand comes out of the crowd to shove him back against the wall. It was Erica with her claws out. She presses the tips into his chest. "Why are you asking Lydia about Jackson's real parents?"

"Why are you bringing out the claws on camera?" Stiles nods to the camera on the wall behind Erica. She drops her hand from its view. "That's right. You want to play Catwoman? I'll be your Batman," he shrugs past her, moving into the flow of students.

"If you want to find his parents, they're about a half mile from here. In Beacon Hills Cemetery," Stiles pushes his way through the rush of students trying to catch up with Lydia. As the second bell rings for the start of class, Stiles now hurries after Erica.

"Do you know how they died?" He asked, wanting to know more about it. 

"Maybe. If you tell me why you're so interested," she gauges his reaction but is met with his hesitation. "It's him, isn't it?"

"What? Who? Him who?" He pretended to be gullible about her question.

"The test didn't work, but it's still him. It's Jackson."

Erica rounds the corner with Stiles right behind her. "You can't tell Derek. There's more to this—a lot more—you don't know about. And just because you got the Alpha Bite Makeover doesn't mean you have a license to go around destroying people." 

"Why not? It's all they ever did to me. You know, I used to have the worst crush in the world on you. Yes, you, Stiles. And you never once noticed me. Exactly how you're not noticing me right now," Stiles's eyes focus on water seeping into the corridor from underneath the door to the locker room which smashes open. 

The fight between a now soaked Scott and Jackson bursts into the corridor. Stiles and Erica quickly find themselves caught in the middle. Allison comes through the door as a group of students gather to watch the fight. Even Matt appears as, "Scott, Scott!" 

He steps in front of his best friend as Erica grabs hold of Jackson. Still struggling, he knocks Matt to the floor right beside Scott's bag. "What the hell's going on?" Matt notices Scott's bag at his feet. The Pantech tablet has slid out. He picks it up out of the puddle of water and taps the screen to find it still works. Then finds something else curious on it: a page from the Bestiary."Enough!" As Harris breaks up the fight, Matt quickly e-mails the Bestiary file to himself from the tablet. 

Scott turns to notice him just as the file soars off the screen. "I think you dropped this," Matt spoke up, but Harris grabs the tablet out of his hand. He uses it to point at Scott and Jackson.

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