The Reception

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 "I now pwonounce you man and wife," the priest intones, drawing enthusiastic applause from our audience. My eyes and Dmitri's are locked, with enough affection flowing between us to make a cat sick. "You may kiss de bwide."

My fiancé's hands gently lift the veil from my face. I tremble with anticipation.

"Finally," Dmitri breathes just before his lips claim mine. Complete surrender and complete bliss. The applause from the pews fades into a faint roaring noise. All that matters now is us. He dips me back until my hair touches the floor, then abruptly sweeps me off my feet as our lips separate and spins me around a couple times, his face a picture of adulation. I can't remember ever being this happy, myself.

Once Dmitri settles me back on my feet, we join hands and run down the aisle together, as best we can in our formal wear. His groomsmen and my bridesmaids follow close behind. As requested, the guests shower us with congratulatory remarks and flower petals (in flaming hues, naturally) instead of rice (which would have gotten stuck in everything and been a nightmare to clean up). We lead the way through the halls of the Berkeley estate to the main banquet hall, which has been decorated in a fashion quite similar to the chapel. The reception feast is already laid out. According to our wishes, the crowning glory of the banquet table is not a wedding cake but rather a wedding pyramid of various sorts of fruit, studded with shortcake muffins.

Acionna materialises behind the pyramid as I approach it.

"Congratulations, daughter," she smiles, and I know she's congratulating me for more than just my marriage. I impulsively hug her, even though it's probably against all sorts of rules to hug a goddess. Fortunately, Acionna chuckles warmly and returns my embrace for a moment before gently pushing me away.

"Thank you for being here. And for your help with that situation with she-who-shall-not-be-named. And for everything else," I murmur quickly. Dmitri had gone to check on a few other things, but he's approaching us, and I fear Acionna will not stay to be introduced.

"Of course. And don't fret. It's high time your husband met me." Husband. That's so strange. To me he is just Dmitri. The man I have chosen to spend the rest of my life with.

"Aerys, I--Oh. Hello," Dmitri bows in greeting to Acionna, having immediately recognised her despite having never seen her before.

"No need for formalities, Dmitri. It's a pleasure to meet you in person. Aerys has told me much about you," Acionna greets him formally. "I would love to stay, but your guests might be disturbed by my presence, and I wouldn't want to ruin your celebration. But I promised Aerys I'd be here for the wedding."

"We very much appreciate that you have graced us with your presence, and you are of course welcome to stay as long as you like," Dmitri answers her.

"As my mother," I add to clarify, "if you don't mind and if anyone asks questions."

Acionna smiles broadly at this invitation. "I intended to bring your real mother, Aerys, so that the two of you could finally meet, but she could not be persuaded to come. And I am truly touched and flattered by your invitation, but alas, I have other business elsewhere. The rest of the world is proceeding with preparations for war, and you are not the only one I must support. But I do wish you the very best for the rest of your day." She winks at me as she dissolves into mist, and I can hear her voice echo in my head: "And for tonight. No fear, Aerys. It will be better than you expect."

"You could have told me you were inviting a goddess," Dmitri grumbles, pretending to be upset.

"She's the one who kept Grandfather's funeral pyre from engulfing other parts of the room. I don't have quite that much control yet. Everyone is thankful she was here, whether they know it yet or not," I reply deadpan.

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