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 "Training is cancelled today," Zinaida announces abruptly as soon as Dmitri, Giacomo, and I have taken our seats at the breakfast table. Giacomo arches an eyebrow quizzically.

"Is that so?" he inquires. Zinaida nods, her eyes daring him to contradict her. "Well then, in that case, I should like to go back to bed, if Your Ladyship has no objection."

Zinaida and Wesley seem to have a short conversation with their eyes. They've both been present for almost every meal in the week that has passed since Dmitri told me about the letter she received from her family. I don't like it. Are they practising to try to convince this Yekaterina that we are a loving, close-knit, happy family? They won't fool anyone. Although, it must be said, compared to the "family" I lived with in Grandmother's chateau, this really is quite a loving, close-knit, happy family.

"I see no reason why you should not," Zinaida relents, more easily than anticipated. "You'll just be missing the arrival of my cousin's daughter, Yekaterina."

 "Thank you kindly, Your Ladyship. Give her my regards, and I'll meet her properly at a decent hour," Giacomo answers, apparently not tempted to stay with us by the promise of Yekaterina. Such a pity. I know of no one in the room who will be less at ease for his absence, except perhaps Zinaida, whose tight jaw and fingernails tapping on the table indicate this isn't the outcome she'd hoped for. Maybe she hoped to set Giacomo up with this relative? It doesn't matter; our tutor is already bowing and backing out of the room. Not that any amount of respectful behavior with save him if Zinaida is angry with him.

"She's arriving this morning, then?" Dmitri inquires, a hint of a British accent coloring his tones. I can't decide if I like that or the Russian more. Quite a conundrum.

"She should be, from what we understand. That's what the telegrams would indicate, anyway," Wesley replies. 

I didn't realize telegrams worked in Switzerland, what with all the mountains, but I guess I don't really understand how they work. We never got them at Grandmother's chateau, but then, I guess telegrams are unnecessary when you can talk to people through letters if those letters come into contact with flame.

"I look forward to meeting her," I murmur properly. A lie. Just knowing that part of the purpose for her presence is to educate me in fashion and other lady things is enough to make me wish she was not coming. But, as Dmitri so kindly pointed out that afternoon in the garden, we haven't any choice in the matter.

Since that afternoon, things between us have been almost normal. Almost. Dmitri has still been strained to remain civil during training, but it seems to get easier for him each morning. He and Giacomo might even end up being friends. And I...well, I don't know how I feel about much of anything, except for a strong desire for all wedding plans to evaporate and a slightly stronger desire to be no longer subjected to lady lessons of any kind.

"Dmitri, have you briefed Aerys on the changes that will be made to your schedule as a result of Yekaterina's living with us?" Zinaida asks, narrowing her eyes at us.

"Of course, Mother," Dmitri answers immediately. It's the right answer, even if it was not also true.

"Do you have any questions, Aerys?"

"How bad is the situation in Russia at present, to warrant this change of living arrangements now?" I ask, genuinely curious. What Dmitri described sounded more like an outbreak of paranoia than anything serious, at least, as yet.

"Nothing terrible has happened yet, but my relatives prefer to err on the side of caution," Zinaida explains. "Besides, Yekaterina is so ladylike and fashionable, I think her companionship will only do you good."

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