I laugh “Enjoy your sleep.”

Loki growls “I would of more if you hadn’t woke me up in such a rude manner.”

I smile sarcastically “Well that’s no way to speak to the person who put you to bed last night.”

Loki looks at me in confusion for a minute or so before his eyes widen as he obviously realises what happened last night.

Loki asks extremely quickly “What did you see Brooklyn? I know that you undressed me.”

I laugh again “Fuck sakes Loki I saw nothing.”

Loki shakes his head in annoyance and goes to close the door but I stop him.

Loki argues “I’m going back to bed if you’re just going to aggravate me.”

I object “No you’re fucking not we’ve got shit to do. I’m coming in there to make sure you don’t go back to sleep.”

Before Loki can complain any further I barge my way into his room and stride further in so that he can’t push me out even if he tried. With a loud groan Loki follows and begins to pick out his outfit for the day before heading into the bathroom to change while I sit on his bed cross legged.

Eventually the plonk emerges from the bathroom wearing a pair of black jeans and a green cameo top which I didn’t think he would even wear when I bought it for him.

I urge “Now let’s go. As I said we’ve got shit to be doing.”

Loki asks curiously “Like what?”

I smile “Getting this place ready for Roxy’s birthday.”

Loki nods his head then asks “Do you need help bringing those presents downstairs?”

I smile while being pleased that he actually wants to help now “Yes I do.”

“Then I shall help you.”

“Good let’s go.”

I lead Loki out of his room along the corridor and back into my room. I take the presents out of the place where I had hidden them. I give Loki a few of them and grab the rest of them then lead him back out of my room. We head down to the kitchen where Quinn and Aaron are already setting up.

I ask “Where are we putting the present this year?”

Quinn smiles warmly “Morning babe on the middle table.”

I smile in return “Morning.”

Loki greets “Good morning.”

I look at him kind of shocked that he just greeted Aaron and Quinn.

Loki see’s me staring at him and asks “What?”

I announce “You just greeted Aaron and Quinn.”

Loki asks looking a bit unsure “Yes why is there something wrong with that?”

I quickly notify “No not at all keep greeting people. I just didn’t expect you to greet them.”

Loki shrugs then puts the presents he had onto the middle table as Quinn had told me. I do the same.

I ask “Quinn has anyone started waking up the others yet? Or is that my job again this year?”

Quinn smiles “Yours and Loki’s job this year. Just try to be a bit quieter this year.”

I smile “I know I’ve already had Morgan moan at me for that.”

Quinn burst into laughter and laughs “I’m not surprised and I don’t even know where you got the megaphone from last year either.”

I smile “I have my ways just be thankful that I can’t find my air horn. You should be grateful for that as well Loki with the way you sleep in.”

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