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Evelyns eyes flutter open to see her on her bed, her eyebrows furrow but she gets up and walks over to her closet and picks out some simple clothes and then throws her hair up in a ponytail, two strands coming out

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Evelyns eyes flutter open to see her on her bed, her eyebrows furrow but she gets up and walks over to her closet and picks out some simple clothes and then throws her hair up in a ponytail, two strands coming out.

She hums and walks down the stairs to see all of her friends- including Kol, waiting for her at the kitchen "Oh, hey guys." She greets with a smile and opens the fridge, looking for something to drink "Kol, can you make me coffee- the hazelnut ones, I'm thirsty." She states and looks to Elena "How's the whole vampirism going?" Evelyn nonchalantly asks and they all look at her in disbelief and confusion "Why are you all staring at me?" She cautiously asks, grabbing a granola bar and then turns to Matt "Wow uhm, you smell..good." Evelyn says, stepping forward "Has someone cut your tongues out? Answer me." She frustratedly yells and they knew Evelyn will change, she would never yell at someone unless necessary.

"Do you not remember anything, love?" Kol asks and her mind flashes to last night when she got shot saving them.

Evelyn shrugs "Yeah, i got shot, one of you must've gave me your blood to heal me, right?" She asks and they all look at her.

"I'm not saying it." Elena crosses her arms.

"Neither am I." Caroline says and Bonnie bites her lip.

"Not it."  Bonnie says and Evelyn looks slightly annoyed.

She frowns "Whats going on?" Evelyn asks, her eyes lingering on Damon and Kol as she grabs a bottle of water and takes a sip, hoping to stop her thirst but fails to do so.

"You died." Damon blurts out and she drops the bottle of water but Kol speeds to her and catches it before it can hit the ground.

"You're in transformation. I fed you my blood after we-"

Evelyns eyes widens "Yeah, I get it." She cuts him off making everyone raise a brow and Kol smirks until she begins laughing like a maniac "Wow, I wanted to die in a cool way- heh, at least I didn't die by
car-drowning." She laughs and Elenas looks offended "No offense."

It goes quiet "Now, let's go get you some blood." Kol says and grabs her arm but she wiggles it from his grasp.

"What if I don't want to turn?"

"You will."


"Because." Kol shrugs off but she gives him an unimpressed look "How about this, I spend the day with you and then you decide if you want to finish you're transformation." Kol says.

"Yeah, just so I can vamp out on some random person. No thank you." Evelyn shakes her head and Damon tenses.

Damon steps forward "Evelyn, you have to feed." He sternly says and her blood boils.

"That's not up to you, Damon!" She yells and her necklace glows, making them fly against the wall- Matt getting hurt the most "Oh, my god! I'm so sorry- I don't even know what happened." She apologizes and hurries to help Matt up but feels her gums ripping out as her fangs appear, her eyes turning dark with veins appearing.

Matt yelps and Evelyn backs away as Kol stares at her, still thinking she looks beautiful but Elena speeds to Evelyn and grabs her shoulder "Control yourself." Elena softly says but her wrists break making her fall to the ground.

"Take off you're necklace, Lyn." Kol says and she looks down at it with furrowed brows.

"No, this was my moms." Evelyn shakes her head as Damon and Stefan help Elena rearrange her wrists back to its place.

"Then don't get angry, it hurts others." Damon glares  at her and she returns it, her monstrous face remains.


She sees herself and Kol after the day they had together that was filled with pranks and fun.

Evelyn notices Kol holding her necklace and gasps "Kol, stop. That was my moms." She was about to snatch it from him but he pushes her carefully against the car.

"Shh." He coos with soft eyes that made Evelyn blink to make sure her eyes weren't failing or playing games with her, his hand ever so softly caressed her soft cheeks "Evelyn, I don't know what I'm feeling, it's all very confusing. I feel the need to be next to you, the need to protect you and to be good when I'm with you, I don't know if I fancy you or maybe I love you but I've never felt this. Love is the first and biggest weakness that one can behold and i don't need a weakness which is why you won't remember this, we spent the day together having fun but I eventually had to leave. You will continue to think that you can't be compelled." He says and her pupils dilate.

"You will not remember this, Evelyn Burox."

|end of memory|

Evelyn gasps and her eyes widens "Whats wrong?" Stefan asks.

"Nothing." Evelyn coldly replies and crosses her arms "In not feeding. End of story." She walks up to her room and Kol sighs.

"I'll talk to her." Kol walks away from them and goes up the stairs.

He knocks on her door "Go away." Evelyn yells, staring up at the ceiling but Kol enters anyway making her sit up and look at him in disbelief "What part of 'go away' confuses you?" Evelyn snaps and Kol sighs, knowing her emotions are getting heightened.

Kol sits next to her and takes her hand making her expression immediately soften "Evelyn, I cant lose you, you have to feed." Kol squeezes her hand but she shakes her head making her sigh "If you feed, you can finally get me to watch Twilight with you, we'll travel the world and take risks together." Kol says and her eyes begin to twinkle making him smile and push further "And maybe...eventually we can get married." His hand brushed hers.

"M-Marry?" She asks and he cups her cheek and she leans closer to his warm touch.

"Yes. I love you, Evelyn Burox and I want to spend my life with you." Kol says and she grins.

"I know, the memory of the compulsion came back to me. I love you more." She pecks his lips.

he looks at her with loving eyes. "Let's go get you some blood."

They walk downstairs, hand to hand with smiles and Damon held a woman in her mid thirties "She has no family, no friends and no job." Damon pushes the woman forward "Eat away." He smirks and sends Kol a thankful look.

"I'm not going to kill her." Evelyn rolls her eyes and grabs the girl, her gums rip and her fangs cut through, she smells the blood and sinks her fangs in, allowing the sweet and juicy blood to make its way to her throat, hunger fulfills her and she wraps an arm around the girls waist and speeds her against the wall.

They watch her and Kol smiles "Enough or you'll kill her." Evelyn pants but nods and pulls away, feeling the need to make Kol proud of her and listen to him.

"Thats was- Ah!" She hissed as her skin burns, Kol speeds in front of her while Stefan and Damon close the curtains.

"Bonnie, if you will." Kol signals for the ring and Damon compels the lady to leave after healing her.

Bonnie hands her the ring and Evelyn smiles "I love you." She calls out and Kol takes the ring making Evelyn raise a brow but he takes her hand and slips the ring in.

"Fits like a match." Kol smiles and Elena clears her throat.

"Is there something going on between you two?" Elena asks with curiosity and the two share glances.

"Yeah, boyfriend and girlfriend." Evelyn says and looks to Kol who merely smirks "You're not saying no." She grins "You have to say something." Evelyn repeats.

"Yup. Boyfriend and girlfriend." Kol slings an arm around her waist.

Caroline squeals.

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