Chp. 21- Friday Night Lights

Start from the beginning

"Well, yeah." One of his hands rubbed over the back of his neck. Noticing his reaction, he straightened his posture and cleared his throat. "You know, for the support."

A small frown spread to my face and he chuckled. "C'mon Ava. Take a break from your crazy wild life and come to your friend's football game?"

"U-Uh.. yeah." I sighed. "Sure, why not."

A smile spread to his face, his dimples popping out as he did so. Football games really aren't my thing, but I didn't have the guts to say no, even if I wanted to.

"Great. I'll see you tonight then." He smiled and turned around. I caught his arm before he could walk off.

"Wait! If I'm going to your football game, then you have to do something for me"

"Now, Ava. We both know I have a girlfriend." He smirked.

"No." I cringed and shook my head. "Accompany me to 210?"

"What's that?"

Shit. I forgot he's new here.

"210. It's the best club in town for young rich adults to party and what not. I got a gig there Saturday night but I'm allowed to enjoy myself before and after my performance. Will you come with me?"

His smile returned, reaching from ear to ear. "Of course. I'd love to."

"Good." I smiled back. "See you tonight."

"See ya." He waved as he walked off back to the cafeteria. As soon as he left, I couldn't help but feel giddy that he was coming along with me to 210.

Wait. Did I just agree to go to his-? Oh no. What the fuck did I just get myself into. I pulled out my phone and dialed Mitch's number.


"Cancel the party plans. We're going to a football game tonight."


"I have no idea why you made me come here." Mitch complained.

"If I have to suffer, you do too. It's like a best friend law or something."

We sat down, as the game started. I scanned over the football field. Sure enough, a blonde headed boy in football gear caught my eye. He looked up from his position and looked over the crowd. As soon as his eyes met mine, his smile brightened and waved. I was happy to return it. I stopped when I heard someone snort behind me.

"She's so desperate. She actually think that wave was for her."

I turned around, trying to find the person who said it, but no luck. Everybody seemed to focus in the game.

"She's such a freaking whore. She's crazy if she thinks she's good enough for Logan."

Apparently, I wasn't the only one who heard that comment becuas  Mitch whipped around, glaring at two girls giggling a couple of bleachers behind us. "Hey! If you don't want a 3 inch boot heel shoved down your fucking throat, I suggest you shut the fuck up or get the hell out!"

The girls stayed there stunned and silent, as for the remainder of the game. Mitch sat there with a smug, satisfied smile on her lips. But I couldn't help but overthink that girl's words.

She's crazy if she thinks she's good enough for Logan.

Suddenly, the final buzzard rang and our team won 41-14. Everybody in the crowd cheered, including Mitch and I.

"I'm going to go congratulate Logan!" I yelled to Mitch over the crowd as I ran down to the football field.

I rushed past football players, trying to find Logan. Soon enough, I found the familiar blonde head boy with brown eyes. "Logan!" I called out.

He turned around and the smile he gave me, shot butterflies in my tummy. But I didn't care. I made my way through the field, ready to run and congratulate him. But something-someone stopped me dead in my tracks.

A girl grabbed his shoulders and quickly pushed her pretty pink lips against his.

Oh god.. Kylie.

A lump in my throat formed as I literally had to choke down the tears that were threatning to spill. Suddenly, Logan pulled away, leaving a confused Kylie standing there. He leaned down and whispered something in her ear. She looked at me then him and nodded.

Logan turned to me and his godly smile returned to his face. "Ava!" He saod rushing towards me. "I'm so glad you came!" His strong arms wrapped around my shoulders, hudding me tightly. It took me a while to shake off my confusion before I hugged him back.

"C'mon." He said letting go, but still having one arm around my shoulder. "Take me home. I'm exhausted."

I let out a relieved chuckle as I took him out the gates and to my car. I couldn't help the stupid smile that layed on my face as I drove back home.

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