Chp. 6- Just Curious

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The week went by faster than I thought it would. My days consisted of staying home watching tv and eating whatever I could scavage from my kitchen. I should really go buy some food.

I told my dad I would take the car to buy groceries for the house. He just nods, handing me 100 bucks. I drive to the store and within minutes, my cart seems to be already full. Of course I bought basics, but some of it was filled with toaster waffles and peanut butter cookies.

I walked down the aisle as I noticed someone out of the corner of my eye. I turn my head slightly, seeing the girl from the resturaunt looking over the cereal choices. As if she knew I was looking at her, she turned her head my way, meeting my gaze. She smiled as I walked towards her.

"Hey." I said trying to hide the embarassment from me staring at her.

"Hey." She says warmly. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh you know.. just buying some food. And you?"

"The same. My room mate practically begged me to come get her some icecream." She chuckled.

"Room mate?" I asked hinting the confusion in my tone. Her smile washes of her face leaving a blank face. I don't know why I always seem to make her feel uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry, it's none of my business." I apologize.

"It's okay, I should probably go." She says pushing her cart away.

I watch her go not bothering to stop or say anything to her. I didn't mean to come off nosey. But what did she mean by room mate? Was she already in college and has her own apartment? I decided not to think about it before I made my way to the cashier. As soon as I payed, I walked to the car and packed everything in the trunk.

I kinda wished I was able to talk to her more before she rushed off. I didn't know anything about her, not even her name. The thoughts consumed me as I drove back home.

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