~~~~~3 HOURS LATER~~~~~

I woke up from my nap when I heard Durk slam the bedroom door open

I concealed the pregnancy tests so I could surprise him

I know this will have to brighten his day some

I jumped out of bed and said "Hey babe, how is everything?"

"Fucked up" he replied throwing a bunch of stuff in a bag and pulling out a grey sweatsuit

"Well you should be able to get bonded right out..right....?" I replied still nervous

"I don't know" he said in an aggressive tone

"Well what did you guys discuss? You were down there for hours?" I asked concerned

"I just said I don't fucking know, are you listening?" he shouted

I understand he's going through a lot so I just let it slide

"Ummm...well what do you need me to do?" I asked

"I don't need you to do a damn thing, I'm bout to get in the shower" he responded walking into the closet

I walked in and sat in one of the chairs and said "Okay well...I have some good news in the midst of all the bad going on" I smiled but felt really nervous

"What?" he asked not even looking up at me

"Well..you know how I was feeling sick earlier and went to the bank?"

He just nodded his head yes so I kept talking

"So um....I decided to grab a few pregnancy tests and ......" I pulled them out and sat them in front of him

They were digital tests and both read pregnant

"You're gonna be a dad" I smiled

But quickly lost my joy when he had no reaction, just a blank face

"Are you just shocked....?" I asked confused

"I just didn't need this shit right now" he responded

"What????" I asked pissed off he would even think to say that

"I have enough shit going on, I don't need a child in the mix"

"Well I thought this might give you some hope of a brighter future..."

"Aurora it's like you missin every fucking thing I say. I'm not trying to be a damn parent anytime soon, I have a career, a LIFE, fucked up case that I have to turn myself in for tomorrow and claim I'm innocent"

"So what do you expect me to do then?" I asked

"I think you should just get rid of it if you want my honest opinion" he said brushing past my shoulder

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled

"You are what the fuck is wrong with me, I wouldn't even be in this dumb ass situation if it wasn't for you"

Trenches Baby | Lil Durk & King Von 🤞🏽❤️ [Book 1/3] (COMPLETED) ☺️ #AMustReadWhere stories live. Discover now