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warnings: swearing, blood.

mememe, bbno$ ft. lentra.


y/n's pov:

on a bright, crisp day, i followed the crowd of gryffindors and my fellow slytherins down the path towards hagrid's hut. hagrid was asked to teach care of magical creatures and he was ecstatic. i raced ahead of everyone down the path after i caught a peek of hagrid. he was like my best friend.

"woah, woah, slow down y/n," hagrid chuckled. i beamed up at the friendly giant. "hagrid, i'm just excited for the lesson." once the rest of the crowd had caught up, hagrid explained we were venturing into the forest. groans bounced off the children whilst i grinned and skipped through the forest. harry decided to walk with me. yes, a slytherin friends with a gryffindor. big news.

"hey y/n, how are you holding up?" i smiled at him, "i'm alright, you?" he nodded brightly and held his arm out. i grinned and looped my arm with his. such a gentleman, a brotherly gentleman. i laughed at my joke. harry chuckled, shaking his head and unhooked his arm once we'd stopped at a clearing.

i told harry i was going to speak to hagrid. when i'd returned, draco malfoy, a boy who has an undeniable crush on me, sauntered forward towards harry and then pretended a dementor was behind harry. i rolled my eyes at the stupid boy i'd fallen for. i walked forward, pushing harry's chest making him stumble backwards then turn to his friends, hermione and ron. ron was never fond of me but at least hermione accepted me for being friends with harry. i spun on my heel, walked towards draco and he visibly gulped. everybody was quiet. i grabbed his tie and pulled him forward. leaning into his ear, my breath fanned over his neck, goosebumps forming on his soft skin. "cut it out, hun. not in the mood right now," i whispered ever so faintly for effect. i pulled back and his normally pale face was dusted with a pink shade. he nodded violently and smiled. i smirked, knowing i had him wrapped around my finger.

whilst i was standing by harry, draco scowls and mutters something under his breath. i rolled my eyes as hagrid came back. "right, ev'ryone ready?" some people looked uncomfortable whereas i was beaming at hagrid. he gave me a toothy grin under his big beard and disappeared for a split second. when he came back, he was smiling and gesturing to something. a white and grey feathered creature comes around the corner. "isn't he beautiful?" hagrid said in a thick west country accent.

i grinned at the hippogriff standing before me. he looked me in the eye for a minute and then turned his attention to a piece of meat hagrid threw at him. "say 'ello to buckbeak." i began to slowly put my bag on the ground, as quietly as i can. i didn't want to scare him as they can be quite dangerous creatures, only if provoked. i always had a soft spot for animals.

ron spoke up, "hagrid, exactly what is that?" hagrid was about to answer when i cut him off, "it's a hippogriff. beautiful creatures but can be dangerous, so don't get on his bad side." hagrid looked at me knowingly. "first thing you wanna know 'bout hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures, very easily offended," hagrid explained, "you don' wanna insult a hippogriff, may be the last thing you do." i smiled as hagrid clapped his hands. "now, who'd like to say 'ello?"

everybody stepped back, besides me. harry a little in front of everyone else. hagrid shakes his head, amused, "of course, y/n. you know what to do." i had to let buckbeak make the first move, if i remembered correctly. i quietly stepped forward, careful not to snap any twigs. i looked over my shoulder and saw everyone either scared or confused. draco looked like he was going to piss himself. i internally laughed at the sight.

i step my left foot out behind me and bowed really low, to prove to the hippogriff i meant no harm. i slowly lift my head, still in a bowing position, and look at buckbeak. he makes a noise of approval and bows his head down forward immediately. "well done, y/n!" hagrid clapped. i grinned and pulled up into a standing position, looking at hagrid. "a'right you can pet 'im."

draco malfoy imagines.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora