. Chapter 5

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Bailey's focus


"Nameless look, little butterfly!" Bailey exclaimed, pointing to one which was flying above him

'Hmm, should I eat it, little flower?' Nameless asked and Bailey scowled

"Absolutely not! Don't be a meany!" Bailey exclaimed, putting his feet in the cold water

"Well well, what do we have here?" Someone said and Bailey quickly turned around to see Alpha Kairos with a smirk, his arms crossed

"Tsk, what are you doing here!?" Bailey asked and Kairos shrugged

"Just passing by! Do I need your permission to enter the land accessible to everyone?" He asked and Bailey narrowed his eyes, turning his head around

I'll just ignore him!

Bailey thought

"Look at that cutie! Where's your mommy, little guy?" Kairos cooed and Bailey turned around to see a shirtless Kairos hold a cute baby bunny in his arms

"You're such a pretty boy! Look at those ears!" Kairos exclaimed and Bailey could feel his heart pound heavily

He was still the same Kairos with whom Bailey fell in love with!

"Didn't your mother tell you that it was bad to stare?" Kairos asked, not once looking at Bailey who huffed

"Nope! My mom told me to stare at people because I can enchant them with a single look!" Bailey replied, remembering what Lili tells him every single time and Kairos let out a choked laugh, not expecting this answer

He placed the bunny down and started removing his pants making Bailey squeak, covering his eyes

"What are you doing!?" He yelled in embarrassment, his hand still on his eyes. He could hear the water make a loud sound and when he didn't hear an answer, he frowned

Has he left?

Just as he was about to remove his hand, he felt someone tickle his foot which was underwater and squealed loudly, getting up

Kairos laughed loudly, clutching his hips while a pink embarrassed Bailey glared at him

"Alpha Kairos! You're so mean and vile! I don't like you!" Bailey exclaimed, wearing his shoes

He mumbled things under his breath and left the forest, a pout on his face

'He's a meany!!' Bailey exclaimed to Nameless who sighed

Stupid alpha.

Nameless thought


Kairos' focus


'Good job, you pissed him off even more' A voice growled as Kairos swam in the river

Kairos chuckled.

'I know. He's just too cute! You see cute things like that everyday? Man, I'm jealous of you' Kairos exclaimed

'He's even cuter when he shows you his love but you wouldn't know that, would you since you're so busy pissing him off' Nameless sassed and Kairos sighed

"I know...I'll try to win his love, I promise! Just make sure you scare away potential threats!" Kairos said

'Hmm, not if I find someone better for my little flower' Nameless said

"Traitor" Kairos mumbled under his breath and Nameless snorted

'You know that it's his aunt's birthday in a week, right? I know people interested in my little flower so...be prepared, alpha Kairos! If my baby tell me he's happy with someone else, goodbye forever' Nameless scowled before cutting their link

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