. Chapter 1

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This book has NOTHING to do with the one shot for Demon wolf I posted in the 3rd one shot book. The character names are the same but they will not behave as the one shot, sorry to disappoint. For new readers, I'll suggest you to NOT read the one shot as it may ruin the story for you.

For those who have read the one shot, please don't reveal the identity of the demon wolf, I know you know😂

Also, please read the warnings at the end of the description of the book! Thanks and enjoy.


Warning- Child abuse, only this chapter.

"Useless" A man sneered and the little 10-year-old boy flinched when the man in front stood with a belt in his hand

"P-please..don't!" The boy whimpered in fear while the man growled in anger

"You're fucking useless! An alpha having a human for son is useless!" the alpha yelled and the boy cried when he felt a burning pain in his arm. The man continously lashed at the screaming boy whose throat started hurting at how much he yelled

Not being able to bear the pain anymore, the little boy died on the spot, no longer feeling any pain

The little boy opened his eyes and trembled when he heard deep growls. He couldn't see anything apart from darkness

He could hear the sound of chains and he didn't know where he was. He couldn't feel anything apart from fear

Clenching his tiny fist, he walked forward, squealing when a streetlamp suddenly lit up out of nowhere. Even with the light, he could see anything but darkness

As he walked forward, the sound of the growls kept becoming louder and louder

He wanted to stop walking but he felt pulled.

'Come on little buddy, come here'

A voice filled with malice whispered and the little boy stopped when he saw a pair of red eyes.

'Why are you afraid? Come closer' the voice purred and when the boy took another step forward, he saw a big black wolf  with red eyes, a huge black chain around his neck

The wolf was sitting silently, his canines filled with blood.

'Hello little boy, it's been a while since someone has visited me'

He said and the little boy looked around to see bones of people everywhere

The wolf smirked at the fear he could smell from the little boy

The boy flinched and looked down, playing with his fingers

He heard an angry growl and when he looked up, he saw the wolf stare at his naked body.

The boy looked down to see numerous bloody bruises on his body and he frowned

'Little boy, can you tell me how you got those?'

The wolf asked darkly and the little boy looked down to bite his lips, shaking his head in fear

'And why not?'

The wolf asked again, frustration evident in his voice

"D-daddy will beat me" He whimpered and the wolf growled, stepping forward in anger but the chains around his neck tightened. The chains started becoming hotter and the wolf howled in sheer pain

The little boy gasped and stared at the wolf with wide eyes.

"C-Chain hurt?" He stuttered as the wolf growled to himself. The wolf was painting and he slowly calmed down before snorting

'Very much.... So, why don't you free me?'

He asked softly and the little boy stared at the wolf intently

He remember being chained to his bed once.

He was punished for being a bad boy and his daddy had chained his leg on the bed for 3 days. Everytime he tried to move, the chain would burn his leg.

So, he could imagine how bad the wolf was feeling!

"Okay" He replied, not feeling the malice coming from the wolf who was quite surprised by how naive the child was.

'Hmm..what if I eat you?' The wolf asked in amusement and the little boy looked down

"B-but you won't hurt....right?" he asked softly

The little boy knew that he was lost... He didn't want to return back from where he came from!

He wanted to stay here!

He didn't want to go back.

'Alright little boy, are you really willing to free me?' The wolf asked darkly and the little boy nodded

"Yes" He whispered and the wolf chuckled

"Very well! People have been very mean to me, you know? They chained me here for 1000 years and they have never loved me. Will you love me?" The beast asked in fake innocence, lowering his head down and the little boy gasped

"Yes! I will love you!" He exclaimed happily and the wolf grinned with malice

"Then, touch the ruby around my neck" he said, sitting on the ground for the boy to reach him

The wolf twisted his head to the right, showing a dark black collar with a glowing red Ruby

Taking a deep breath, the little 10-year-old gently placed his tiny hand on the huge Ruby

As soon as he did, he heard a crack and watched as the chain fell on the ground

The wolf chuckled darkly and stretched himself before looking at the wide-eyes little boy

"Since you freed me, I'll give you one wish! What do you want? I can make you live again or give you a happier life! I can make you rich and make sure I'll never kill you when I'll exterminate all the humans on Earth" The wolf said and the little boy played with his fingers

"I w-wanna stay with you forever" He whispered, shocking the wolf.

"You what? There's a limit to insanity!" He scoffed and the little boy whimpered

"S-sorry" The boy whispered, feeling the beast's nose nudge his cheeks

The little boy looked up and shakily placed his hand on the beast's head, gently patting the lonely beast who stared at the pure boy intently

"You sure you want to be with me forever?" The beast asked and the little boy nodded

"Y-yes!" He exclaimed and the wolf grinned

"Very well" He replied before devouring the boy's soul

'Now, you'll be with me for eternity'


Hey, so, every chapter usually has around 2000 words except this one. All the other chapters are gonna be lengthy, this is kinda like a prologue so yeah!

See you soon!

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