Take Another Look

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Nikkia Green

Taking into consideration the fight I had with Gee, I started to feel bad about our quiet yet sudden unnessecary . Was I mad at him for withholding information? Yes, but his plain responses do not help with the rush of curiosity that takes over when I begin to look for answers.

The sound of passing wind floating past my eardrums soothe my fiery skin once again. Causing trickles of brown hair down to tickle my neck.

Sitting on the cold bench in the middle of fall, I see so much love being shared by from passerbyers whom I'll never see again.

Darkness cloaks the heavens, and the stars twinkle for me. And only me.

Night time has always been my favorite time of day only good things come to me at night...The ability to disguise myself at night, the rebellious moon ricocheting my own rebellious heart. Mother and I would stay up late without father knowing to take me to the baseball field she coached at...for only minutes we would lay on the damp grass to stare at the same stars that shine on me to this day.

In the dead of night Gee took me in as his own daughter.

Shit, I was only was taught to survive and feed at night...

The yellow sun is my natural enemy, my body subconsciously fights against it. Even my melatonin production is only triggered when the sun comes out.

For the grey hazy moon has always been close to me

It's no sin to be absorbed in the nights eerie sky, I close my eyes with my hands in my pockets resisting the coldness drying the cocoa lotion off my rough hands. 

As I open my eyes and let the millionth deep sigh release whatever happiness I had in me out, the cold air exits my lungs and shows my frosty breath.

Families walk by in bliss, quietly enjoying one another's company under the bright light of the city.

From this view, the city swallows the moons beauty, only making its silhouette another ornament in the vast sky above.

Hand in hand mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons alike varying In ages, size, and genetic makeup celebrate the adventures the city has to offer them. Innocent eyes peer upwards, aching their necks while imagining themselves in the tall buildings above.

Thinking about my family in this moment causes a familiar uncomfortable chill to coil in my heart. After mothers fateful ending, father couldn't handle the truth about her death.

Following his daily schedule, he quickly walked into the kitchen midday expecting his wife to have had dinner prepared for his consumption. The only sight he was met with was his terrorized teary eyed daughter laying in a pool of her mothers spilled blood.

Praying she'd somehow resurrect from the cold kitchen floor.

I could almost remember each splatter of blood that painted the white tile floor.

Only after finding him hanging from his neck above the same place mother died herself, I quickly realized death trampled over everything I loved.

The trauma of his findings was too much for him I presume. The idea of losing his perfect life was his breaking point. I always believed he was simply too weak to be alive. Suicide is never an honorable death for anything, especially a warrior. We are all warriors in our lives, no matter (insert inspirational)

The feelings of anger from the blonde woman whose name I've come to find, Beatrix, are

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