Before Okinawa Pt.2

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B.B. Kiddo

Im blessed it wasn't her

Staring at mother with a warm heart, I gaze into her ice cold blue eyes. Witnessing her overwhelming love for me even in this state symbolizes her spiritual strength in her time of physical weakness.

For her to have survived hundreds of foes in her lifetime with her wits and sword, cancer was her unarmed enemy parading recklessly throughout her body...

Sitting across the room in the beige chair, I'm honored to have called her mother. Not a day goes by that I don't rejoice to have met my other half. As a child I often worried what dark fate would bring to me if Bill has raised me.
At the pull of a trigger, he aimed to annihilate my life before he knew I was his... if Bill could do that at the drop of a dime to the woman he loved, what could he do to his own offspring?

He wanted her dead for the same reason he loved me to his dying day. Shrugging the dreadful destiny I've inherited, I push the thoughts to the back of my head. Focusing on mother was the only form of relief I could muster up, other than killing.

With pale eyes raised to the ceiling, mother faintly speaks of her adventures with the crazy 88 mafia. The first time I heard this story I mocked  Yet her eyes scream something different.

Pain oozes from her pupils and sets in my heart.

Twirling the knife I've inherited from mother in hand and staring at my reflection from the sharp blades, I see blonde locks fall near my breast with blue icy eyes that match mothers. Red bruised lips from training echo the mixture of Bill and Beatrix blood line.

I sigh putting the knife back on the holster strapped to my thigh to scoot the chair next to mother. Placing my ears to her while she faintly utters her tales, I close my ears and imagine the scene that took place all those years ago.

For the umpteenth time, Hattori Hanzos perfectly handcrafted sword peeled the flesh from the brain of O-Ren Ishii...Cracking a tight smile I rise to my feet only imagining the sight of the most honorable death administered by a worthy opponent.

Hattori Hanzo.. The great legend of Okinawa. The master sword maker who bore an oath to stop making his beautiful instruments of death, only to hand mother the most exceptional piece of modern day artillery.

If only I could have met him in person before his fateful ending...I believe he has offspring, but their whereabouts are unknown.

After ensuring her legacy has been recited once more, mothers icy eyes blink into oblivion and rest once more.I rise to my feet and give mother a gentle kiss on her forehead. The rickety boards of the old home, crack and moan under my boots on the way to dojo.

Dojo has been the fastest place in my heart for as long as I could remember, as long as mother and I were here gaining strength we knew we could stay protected. The picture frames on the walls showing our time together bring a crooked smile to my cracked lips.

Never did she want this life for me, but father knew I was destined to be here, doing just this.

The only night I saw my parents in a room together was the last night I saw father. He would have never stopped coming for her if she didn't stop him, and I don't blame her.

'Revenge fuels vengeance' is what Daddy always said, and to this day I honor his wisdom. Love is hard and sharing a child is even least they had the guts to fight it out to the death unlike other couple.

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