"Mm-hmm, morning Lilian." He turned to jovially greet Lilian who was just returning from wherever she went ten minutes ago.

"Mr Durham," she acknowledged with a slight nod.

Mark turned back to me, "I'll see you later Ophelia, let's have lunch together. You can state your case better too." He teased again.

I sighed in resignation again but waved before he walked away. Returning my gaze frontward, Lilian was already intently staring at me through the glass.

"Frolicking with Mr Durham I see."

"Of course you think I'm trying to seduce him as well," I rolled my eyes then laughed. "You know I should probably be a lot more offended by all your insinuations and remarks but they are so far from the truth, I find them and you really funny instead."

Only silence ensued after, as Lilian didn't respond. Nearly an hour passed and I was scrolling through features of a proposed Illston tech gadget when my phone dinged with the notification of a text.

From: Boss
I'm sorry

My brows noticeably lifted at the simple yet unclear text.

To: Boss
For leaving me with maleficent?

From: Boss
Maleficent, wannabe Cinderella, you two really have so much in common, you should be best friends already

I released a disgruntled sigh not at all surprised Lilian, who was busy typing away in the little office, had called me a wannabe Cinderella. My phone dinged again and another message popped up.

From: Boss
But I'm not apologising for that, you both need it

I was midway an eye roll when another message entered.

From: Boss
I'm apologising for last week

My brows arched.

To: Boss
Last week?

From: Boss
The stalkers and how I reacted. I blamed it all on you when it wasn't all your fault, I'm sorry

I read the words three times over before it struck me. It was an apology. I could still remember mentioning my grievances about that afternoon in the boardroom right after the pregnancy farce, while I was out of my mind drunk in his car Saturday night. The memory was embarrassing enough yet here he was, apologising. Staring at the text again, a short sigh left my lips. He should've been apologising for what he did years ago instead.

I gave the most diplomatic response I could think of.

To: Boss
A raise is usually the best apology sir

From: Boss
I'm really going to fire you one of these days

To: Boss
Not if I quit first ;)

Arriving home later that day, the neighbourhood was still tense from yesterday's macabre event.

"Blondie, you better be careful," Jiggy sneered as I brought my keys out of my bag. His appearing out of nowhere antics didn't surprise me much anymore.

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