Chapter 18: False Incrimination

Start from the beginning

A huge building with lights stronger and brighter than other houses caught Zen's eye. It was huge. A mansion of some sort. Zen thought it was a really pretty house.

He watched as some bad-mannered kids ridiculously played on the mansion's yard and jumped over cars that probably would cost millions. A family nearby parked their car in their garage after going shopping Zen presumed as they took their shopping bags up to their house, coming back to help each other. A light smoke was faintly covering the air above the place, nobody seemed to notice it. Not even it's smell.

A small figure could be seen making its way outside the mansion, dressed so casually and telling the guards to calm down and let the kids play. The person seemed nice as they managed to convince the guards that nothing was wrong and they're just kids.

That person was lucky.

Not just from the riches they own or the comfortable life they get to enjoy.

It's simply because they left the mansion.

Because in the next few seconds, just counting all your fingers, you would've been able to witness the huge and loud explosion of the mansion itself.

The orange and red blobs made its path all the way to the bottom of the building like it fell down with a huge, huge thud that was strong enough to blow the cars away, make them fly and crash into other unlucky places, such as, the road a few meters away from Zen and Cicero.

The familiar sight before Zen made him quickly duck and grab Cicero by his arm to pull him close. The strong blow from the impact made the wind that was peacefully chilling the place, become fierce and scorching, hurting your eyes or face if you weren't quick to cover them. Zen was safe on that side as he hid Cicero's face in chest and fell on his knees involuntarily.

Screams could be heard from the people and panic arose within the place.

"Another one?" Cicero mumbled, his voice overthrown by the loud voices all around them. Although, that question did not need to be answered. Zen lifted his head a little after the flames had less of a chance reaching them, his hair wind-tossed, watching the enormous amounts of smoke left behind and trees caught in fire.

Not again.

He wasn't going to stand by and watch the whole thing go down like last time. Last time, when he was held back by Omi, the latter could not believe that there was no hope or chance of helping these people. He still didn't.

Zen pulled Cicero away gently, the warmth still not leaving him as it hit him from all sides. Cicero looked up at him in confusion until realization hit him.

"Are you—" Cicero quickly grasped Zen's leg, using it as an aid to get up. Zen stared down at him until the green head was on his feet.

"You're not a firefighter, for gods sake!" Cicero told him, his distress not managing to get through Zen.

"I've got to help," Zen hurriedly replied.

"No! Wait—"

Cicero's green irises contracted suddenly when the taller infront of him ignored his calls and was out of his sight in a flash. The green head blinked before his head quickly turned to the right.

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