ཧᜰ꙰ꦿ➢ SIX

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It's been a while!! ;-;  Haha so here it is <3 to the person who was at my neck asking to update this -_- be kind enough to leave votes or comments too. </3

Health update: I'm doing better than before, I'm allowed to sit now and then but I'm still taking medicine. Getting used to writing on the phone. Will update more uwu 💜


After their meeting with the Matriarchy, general Yoongi dropped them off at Taehyung's farm. It was a tough job, trying to coax Jeongguk to let go of Yoongi's hands, but they eventually got around it. Taehyung had to bribe him into giving up.

It was surprising for him at first, that the whelp understood everything he said. However, when Yoongi explained it to him, he caught on.

They were "Sentient Dragons." They understand and feel emotions like humans. But being creatures born of magic, they are highly perceptive and intelligent right from birth. Thus, Jeongguk's rapid learning and adaptation reasoned with Taehyung.

The palace had recently provided assistance and refurbished their dragon nursery for Jeongguk to nest in. He only wishes that the whelp accepts it. Dragons, from what he had learned at school, were painfully picky and it would be his job to make him comfortable.

He huffs and walks towards the nursery as Jeongguk looks at him in confusion. A gurgle flows out the dragon whelp's throat. Taehyung can feel the warmth and vibrations spreading to him through his arms around the whelp.

It doesn't feel different than when he carries the lambs, but the metal-like scales brushing against his skin carve the canyon of difference there is. 

He just knows it's going to be a long and difficult day today.

Taehyung was very happy that Jeongguk had easily accepted the nursery. The coin and the cushion his grandmother had placed in the nursery had worked wonders he had thought. But boy was he wrong.

It first came when he had tried to ease the dragon's whelp onto it's bed- a bed of gold coins and a mountain of cushions. Now he knows why the palace offers assistance for the building of the nursery.

When Taehyung tried to transfer Jeongguk from his lap to his bed, Jeongguk had woken up from his slumber and looked at him in annoyance. A few minutes later when he tried it again, instead of a look, he was given a growl.

Sitting on coins is not very comfortable Taehyung learns, the weight on his lap isn't the best addition as well. So, tries to adjust, to test how much he can adjust before he receives another growl and then grabs a pillow to sit upon.

It was only a feeling before, but Taehyung is now sure that Jeongguk really thought him to be a warm and mushy cushion at his disposal. Because everytime he tried to get the whelp untangled from his limbs or so much as move, Jeongguk would raise his head, grumble and then squint his eyes at him.

Eyes accusatory in expression, it was as if he was saying, ' you are not doing your job well.'

"Let me go, koo. I can't feel my legs anymore," Taehyung whined, pointing at his legs, only for Jeongguk to look at them and back to his face. The whelp was confused. So I tried a different approach.

"My legs hurt, koo," this time Taehyung pouted, and added a little bit of fake tears to the wobble of his lips and voila, Jeongguk was fooled into believing him.

He first widened his eyes at Taehyung, before slowly untangling his tail from the boy's leg and moved to  sit on his previous red cushion from before.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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