Revealing all the secrets

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A month passed after the attack on Lisa, everyone was slightly calm and at ease by the serenity and peace but little they didn't know, Victor was planning bigger trouble to their lives and Adeline had more revelations to reveal.

"So you're telling me that you're dating Mr. Jeon?" Lisa couldn't believe what she just heard from her mother "Are you being serious? It's just been months since daddy died. Do you really love my father? Did you love my father?"

It's Sunday, Adeline called Lisa, Jungkook and Paul to a private restaurant to talk about the things she's been keeping as a secret.

"Lisa, it's my idea. My real father forced me to ask mommy to date him. Mom is just doing me a favor." Jungkook defended their mom who is sitting next to Adeline "Forgive me."

"It's always your good for nothing father, huh? Ever since he came back, he brought nothing but trouble to our lives. He's bad luck." Lisa ranted "Do you still have things to reveal? Tell me now."

Paul placed his hand on Lisa's shoulder "Calm down. We're here to talk, not to fight."

"Why? Is it bad for ranting like this? I was deprived of the truth." She looked at her mother "Now, do you still have more things to say?"

Adeline looked at Paul, mentally telling him what she was about to say.

"No, you're not telling her that." Paul warned Adeline "No, don't tell her."

"It's about time. She needs to know the truth." Adeline said, determination is visible to her eyes

"What is it?" Lisa looked at her uncle and mother back and forth "What is this thing you're hiding from me?"

"Paul is your real father." Adeline revealed "Marco is not your real father."

Lisa seemed to didn't catch what Adeline just said. She just kept quiet and stared at her mother.

"Lisa..." Adeline tried to hold Lisa's hand over the table but the latter finally went back to her senses and pulled her hand back

"You're bullshitting me, right? Is this a joke? What are you saying? Marco is my dad! He's my father!" Lisa shouted "Why are you saying this to me? WHY?!"

With tears falling from her eyes, Adeline started to tell Lisa about what happened 18 years ago.

"I can't understand. Why? How could you do that to my dad?" Lisa cried, not just because of confusion but also she felt pity for her deceased father "He did nothing but to love you! How could you fucking do that?"

"Lisa... it's all my fault. Your mom already told you I took advantage of her." Paul tried to explain "I understand if you're mad but please try to unders..."

"MAD?! You think I'm just mad? I'm fucking furious! You know about this, right? You knew from the start that I'm your daughter that's why you treated me so dearly. You could have just told him about the truth. He loved me so much and now..." Lisa sobbed "I feel like I don't deserve the love he gave to me."

"Of course you do! I'm wrong, I know that but please understand that... I did that to protect your father. We're all aware of your father's heart condition, his heart won't take it if he finds out that he's not your real father." Adeline tried her best to make her daughter understand the situation "The day you were born, I was planning to tell Marco about this but when I saw how happy he was while holding you in his arms... I backed out. I couldn't just take away the happiness I saw in his eyes. You were his happiness, Lisa and I chose to keep that from him."

"Still, he doesn't deserve to be lied and cheated on." Lisa was about to stand and leave but Adeline said something that made her stop

"I still have something to say. Stay."

Lisa chuckled in disbelief while wiping her tears "This is just insanely absurd. What else? What else are you still hiding from us?"

Adeline was alone drinking in a club. She decided to go there after she fought with her boyfriend, Victor.

Some strangers tried to make conversation with her but she's too busy thinking how her boyfriend acted like a total jerk.

"I told you that Victor Jeon will be a pain in your ass." A familiar masculine man took a stool next to her

"I'm not here for your lectures, Paul." She glared at him "Just leave."

"Nah, I'll stay here because I want to. This is not your club." He replied nonchalantly "So tell me, what is the reason why you're drinking and alone here?"

"None of your business." She said before drinking her 7th shot of tequila "Just leave!"

"I'll stay here, Adeline. I don't want to leave you, especially if you're already drunk." Paul then ordered his own drinks "I'm here as your friend, not as your ex. You can tell me what's bothering you."

Adeline looked intently at the gentleman she used to love "Why didn't we workout? Why did we end up like this? Why the hell am I with that jerk?"

Though Paul had the answers to Adelines questions, he remained silent and waited for the lady to continue.

"You are my first love, do you know that? Do you fucking know how I suffered after we broke up?" Adeline pointed her index finger to Paul and said "You are the reason why I'm with that jerk! Do you know why I date him? To fucking forget about you!"

Paul then went back to the time where he kept Adeline as a secret, not because Adeline is not worth to brag but he knew his parents, he knew that they would be against their relationship.

"I'm sorry. I was a coward for not fighting for us." Paul couldn't look at Adeline

"Look at me and tell me that you still love me. Paul... I still love you." Adeline begged "Tell me you still love me."

Paul then composed himself, he looked Adeline straight to her eyes and said "Even if I still love you, we can't be together."

"Fucking bullshit." Adeline ordered more drinks

Paul just watched her getting drunk. He wanted to stop her but he knew that it won't work, he knew Adeline as a hard headed person, there is no use going against her.

After her 10th shot, Adeline completely passed out, leaving Paul with no choice but to take her to her house.

While driving to Adeline's house, he can't stop himself from admiring the beauty of his ex. Adeline is indeed the most beautiful in his eyes.

"We're just not meant for each other." He said while staring at Adeline's peaceful face after he tucked her to bed

He was surprised when the lady suddenly opened her eyes and pulled him into a kiss. That night, something happened that will yield a precious gift.

Morning came, Paul woke up first and the first thing that came to his mind is what they did is not right. They are not together anymore, they shouldn't do that but it happened already.

With a heavy heart, he dressed up and wrote a letter for Adeline.

"Last night wasn't supposed to happen, I would lie if I say that I didn't like what we did, I will treasure it for the rest of my life but it is wrong. I'm sorry for leaving you again, but this time I want you to forget about me and be happy with someone that will fight for you unlike what I did. Goodbye, Adeline."

"Months after that, I met Marco." Adeline finished her story

"You mean... he's my child?" Paul covered his mouth in surprise

"What a twisted family." Lisa remarked before standing up "I guess we're real siblings now." She said to Jungkook then left

"J, please say something." Adeline held her son's hands "Forgive me."

"You know what? Even though this man showed anything but kindness to me, I'm still thankful that he's my father because I couldn't stomach being related with that Victor Jeon." He removed Adeline's hands from his and said "But give me time to think. Lisa and I need time to think."



It's not her (JenLisa)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora