Mike said as he glanced at Erwin but received no response from his friend. The two blonds were waiting by a carriage outside the building, the evening stars swimming in the night sky and accompanied by a crescent moon. The night temperature wasn't that cold, thankfully, so the wait was bearable. Still, they needed to be at Baldrick's party soon.

The two gentlemen were clad in elegant tuxedos; white dress shirts tucked inside neatly-ironed black slacks, and black jacket and a dark necktie over their top clothings with pairs of formal shoes. Their hair were styled slicked back with minimal gel kudos to Hanji (she said it was for fan service purposes).

Mike peered at Erwin, whose natural blond strands were now covered in a wig of black hair, slicked back with a few tufts of rebellious locks hanging over his forehead; just like him, he had the first top two buttons of his white dress shirt unfastened. That Hanji really went all out with Erwin's disguise - even shading his eyebrows dark to match with his hair (because leaving them as dark blond would be weird as hell). The man was currently focused on cuffing his white formal gloves that were pulled over his fingers, a cool, impassive look in his blue eyes as he did so.

"Boys, sorry to keep you waiting!"

The two men turned to the source of Hanji's voice as the said woman exited the building and traipsed down the front steps, excitedly waving an arm around like a kid who had just seen her mom as she made her way towards them.

Mike was about to ask her where Isanna was when the said girl stepped out of the building, the fire torches situated near them and the twinkling light from the night sky giving light to her curvaceous form. In that instance, Mike remembered how popular the girl had been back when they were training cadets - and for a very good reason. He shot a discrete glance at his friend to see his reaction. And he was not surprised; his perceptive eyes did not miss the brief flash of surprise in Erwin's normally-stoic eyes, his lips ever-so-slightly parting whilst slowly lowering his gloved hands after cuffing it as he intently watched the girl that was now in a ginger wig stepping down the short flight of stairs.

It was amusing to see Erwin showing emotion other than his blank face, Mike noted. The man looked like he was caught in a trance.

Isanna bit her lip as she tried to push back unnecessary thoughts when her sights landed on Erwin who was standing by the carriage. Despite the absence of his bright blond hair (she mentally thanked the gods even though she was an atheist, the spirits of the saints, and Hanji for his new fresh look), she would recognize him anywhere, no matter what.

Thankfully, she managed to reach the carriage without making a fool of herself.

Isanna swallowed a lump in the back of her throat as she stopped in front of Erwin, who had still not teared his eyes from her as well. She couldn't pinpoint the reason for his intense look, but the space between his brows had slightly wrinkled.

I need to say something, the girl thought as she racked her brain for something - anything to shatter the thick silence between them. She wasn't about to go with the plan tonight with this awkward air, absolutely not.

Surprisingly, Erwin was the first to break the barring stillness.

"You look lovely," he said.


Isanna bit the inside of her cheek, subtly clutching the sides of her dress with her sweaty fingers in an effort to contain the nervousness distracting her from within.

"When have I not?" She shot back almost immediately, mustering a haughty tone to mask her inner feelings and hoped she sounded sassy enough. She saw his lips lifting up into a small smile at her wit, causing butterflies in her stomach.

A Promise (An Attack on Titan Fanfic: Erwin Smith)Where stories live. Discover now