Chapter 29 - After Life

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You nodded as you cried again for the millionth time this week, you had been very emotional recently, and with good reason. Your funeral was just a couple of days ago and you found out that your whole family was flown in. You threw up as soon as they told you that detail, thinking about how your mother mustve felt made you feel this unbelievable guilt that you just couldnt bare.

By the next day, you had already landed in Venice, Italy. You felt an overwhelming sense of loss as you left the wonderful city that you began to call home.

As soon as you got there, you were admitted to the Ospedale SS Giovanni e Paolo which was this beautiful hospital in Venice. Rossi went through on his promise and was with you every step of the way.

You were very grateful for him, especially because he was fluent in italian. As the day was coming to an end, Rossi informed you it was time for him to leave.

"But- I really dont want you to go" you whispered with a shaky voice.

"I know, bellíssima. But I must go before the team wonders where I am..."

You sighed as you realized his words were true. They needed him more than you did. "Yeah, you're right. You should go!" you said with a smile.

"I will miss you deeply Y/N, remember that I will call you everyday until you are well enough to go to Paris."

"I'll miss you too" you whispered as he planted a kiss on your forehead. He began to walk out of the hospital room you were put in, you began to cry silently to yourself as you felt the loneliness immediately seep through.

The next day was full of blood tests and hourly check ups as you tried to forget how much you missed home. You were also suprised at how attentive these italian nurses were. They had tried to make conversation with you as they came to check on your stats and asked if you were comfortable evey time.

A few days after staying in that hospital, you began to feel a bit light headed and nauseous. This was completely normal for you as you usually felt like this when you were under overwhelming stress.

"Good morning, Y/N" you heard your doctor's voice as he walked into your room. His name was Dr. Karev and you honestly really enjoyed him as a person. He was so bubble and joyful, he kinda reminded you of Penny.

"Good morning, Dr. Karev!" you exclaimed as you watched him walk over to you.

"How are we feeling today?"

"Hmm, the same as yesterday. I feel so gross" you confessed as you felt your headache creep back up again.

"Well, Miss Y/N. I think your tests have given us the reason why you have been a bit queasy" he responded as he looked through your medical file, which showed the results of all your blood tests.

"What's wrong Doc?" you asked a bit concerned.

What the hell was the universe going to throw at you now?

"Congratulations Miss Y/N, you are pregnant! Yay!" He exclaimed as he watched your eyes widen. "Not yay?" he questioned right after.

"Pregnant?!" you asked in disbelief. "What do you mean pregnant? That's impossible, im on birth control" you said through a laugh. "There has to be a mistake.."

"Hmm, Nope. No mistake Miss Y/N, you are definitely pregnant."

You couldn't help but laugh at the doctors words, you put your hand over your mouth to avoid giggling louder. "I-I, oh my god" you said with a smile.

You didn't know how to feel, it was the absolute worst time to be pregnant right now. But you couldn't help but feel this overwhelming joy.

"Oh my god, Im pregnant!" you yelled at the doctor with a huge smile on your face, instantly feeling your mood drop as you realized that you couldn't tell anyone about these amazing news.

In Plain Sight (Spencer Reid x Reader)✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum