Little Ginseng thought in her heart that the emperor of people was the biggest, and asked, "If there are bad people, they are especially bad, just like those who came to look for things today, how troublesome it would be together."

Qi Yun smiled first when he heard the words, thinking that his wife's heart is pure, and when he meets a few local ruffians, he feels that they are the worst. He explained: "I am amnesty to the world is unforgivable."

These ten evils are not meant in general, but specifically refer to ten evils such as treason, treason, filial piety, etc. After committing these ten evils, even if they encounter an amnesty, they will not be forgiven.

Although it shows that it is an amnesty for the world, most of the people who are released are those who do little evil, and those who commit the most evil and evil must squat in jail.

There are a lot of specific regulations and regulations. Qi Yun has a very clever and unforgettable head. He remembers everything clearly, but this topic is a bit heavy. Qi Yun doesn’t seem to explain to Ye Jiao too clearly, for fear of scaring her. , Then turned to the topic: "What did you buy for me, Jiao Niang?" As he said, he walked to the table and stretched out his hand to open the bag.

Just opening a corner of the bag, you can see the black fur exposed inside.

Qi Yun moved his hand for a while, and then quickly removed the burden.

The black Qiuyi was lying on the table quietly, feeling very good to the touch, but Qi Yun suddenly lost his voice when he saw it.

Ye Jiao couldn't see his expression behind the screen, and said with a smile: "It's getting colder today. Although you said you want to buy with me, I'm not afraid of the cold. You are different. Although the doctor said you don’t need to hold back in the house, you have to go out and walk more, but it’s freezing cold, and you have to be extra careful. This fur suit should be bought early. Xianggong, give it a try. Does it fit?"

Does it fit...

Qi Yun wanted to open his mouth to speak, but he really opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

Although he has lived at home for a long time due to illness, because he is in charge of the account books, the prices on the market are clear.

Fur clothing of this quality will cost a lot of money.

Even though the money that Ye Jiao was in charge of was given to her by Qi Yun, for Qi Yun, he never thought that he would get it back after it was given.

It was the same this time. When Ye Jiao went out, Qi Yun told her to bring the money so that her lady could buy something. In the end, Ye Jiao brought himself a fur coat.

Even if this is the money I earned, it is indescribably warm, as if even my heart has been transformed.

Qi Yun gently touched the fur coat, picked it up, and put it on his body with extreme caution. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his choked throat before he said: "It's right, it's right. The girl bought it really well."

Ye Jiao feels happy. It’s just right. The town is so far away, and it’s a hassle to change it. Now it’s okay. You can buy it and you can get your upper body. From now on, Qi Yun won’t have to always wear that bulging gown. Much better.

This made Ye Jiao a little proud: "Xiang Gong, I think I'm very lucky." You can buy clothes as soon as you buy them, and the little ginseng praises himself unceremoniously.

Qi Yun stood there wearing a fur suit, looking at the screen, even if he knew that he couldn't see the person behind, he still looked at with special attention for a long time. He stretched out his hand and pressed the slightly sour bridge of the nose, and exhaled gently. .

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