Settling In

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I'm helping mom decorate the restaurant and house(Keep in mind the apartment/restaurant is similar to marinettes but bigger)

"Ok mama are we done here?" I said looking around at the furnished restaurant.

"Yes we are you can go take a look around the city maybe stop by your..." Mom rambled not noticing what she almost said.

"Stop by what..? come on spill it!" I urged.

Sighing mom admitted , " okayyy you weren't suppose to know until later but... I enrolled you into Collège Françoise Dupont."

While gasping I shouted, " THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! I'll forever be grateful that you finally got me into a school, homeschooling was the worst and I had no friends and now I can make friends and have a school life, this is going to be soo much fun! Do you think they will like me? Am I too weird? Ahh this is nerve racking-"

"If you stop your rambling and leave now you will be back in time for dinner" mom declared.

"Oh right sorry"chuckling I added, "Come on Raya hop in the purse."

Im scrolling along Place des Vosges which Is so beautiful and then I'm suddenly on the ground Not knowing what just happened.

"AHHH" I shouted.

"OMG IM SO SORRY I'm the clumsiest person ever! are you okay? Oh im an idiot ugh!" the other person on the ground exclaimed.

I couldn't help it and just bursted out in laughter the other girl joined in.

Still giggling I asked, "What's your name? I'm Y/n"

The blunette helped me get off the ground and she replied to my question.

"Marinette nice to meet you Y/n! Im so clumsy As you can see, I'm truly sorry."

"Nice to meet you Marinette!" I said while greeting her with a kiss on both cheeks.
(In your culture You greet people with a small kiss on both cheeks Very important!! in my story Parisian Don't do that)

"Don't worry you haven't met me I'm as clumsy as you can get!" I reassured.

"Guess we have something in common haha, I never seen you around here are you new to the area?" she asked.

"Actually I'm new to the whole country! me and my mom just moved here Because of work?" I explained hoping that was convincing.

"Oh that's nice! What school do you go to?" marinette questioned.

"Oh my mom told me today that i'm going to collège frank dup I think that's what it's called..." I said chuckling.

giggling the blunette said, "you mean Collége
françoise dupont?"

"oh yes that! Actually would you mind walking with me there my mom told me to go take a look at it before I return to the house" I begged.

"Sure! I'd love to. I go to that school too by the way! We will be great friends I bet" the blunette smiled.

I take a look at the school and turned to talk to Marinette and I noticed she's going crazy.

I asked "what's wrong?"

"A-A Adrien is right there omg we got to go the other way!!" Marinette begged.

"Whose Adrien?" I asked a bit worried.

"I don't know just the most handsome amazing wonderful kind blonde-" She stopped blabbing seeing I was raising an eyebrow at her.

"Awe it's a crush! don't worry I don't think he noticed us." I assured.

"Uh okay let's head back it's getting late anyways!" the blunette said a bit embarrassed.
already at the house I'm just so happy and filled with joy because, "I finally have a friend raya!"

With a frown on raya face she snapped, "Heyy what about me?"

"well you aren't  just a friend raya! You're my best friend!" I said smiling.

"Oh you! Come here" raya said going for a hug.

𝓜𝓪𝓷𝓽𝓪 (𝖱𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗑 𝖬𝗂𝗋𝖺𝖼𝗎𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗌 𝗅𝖺𝖽𝗒𝖻𝗎𝗀 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒)Where stories live. Discover now