Precipice (Cliffheart x Courier)

Start from the beginning

Until eventually . . .

The fog cleared.

The summit still was covered in snow like the rest of the landscape, but the tiny shrubs poking through the openings served as a reminder life would return from desolation. The sharp rocks gave way to smooth smooth stones, a cluster of black ice melting on the top layer he studiously avoided with Cliffheart's steady grip guiding him over the precarious danger in those last few steps to level ground. He let out a sigh of relieve as his boots met smooth, grassy snow. Chest heaving as he sat down. The bag he shouldered all the way up was a cumbersome burden up until this point was now shrugged off to lean against his side as he heaved in lungfuls of chilly air. If he got sick from all this later at least Cliffheart would take care of him.

They sat together on the grass on the summit. Her presence was gentle as she leaned against him, their shoulders pressing close. Her heat was amazing — a live furnace — in this terrible cold. Courier pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her. She reciprocated his affection, lips pressing sweet kisses on the expanse of his throat in a short journey to his mouth. When she reached it there was no hesitation in the kisses she pressed on his mouth, the reverence with which she pressed her lips to the corners of his was tender.

"You know, maybe this isn't so bad." He hummed. Mountain climbing would never be his favorite activity, but anywhere with Cliffheart was always wonderful. She was wonderful. How he missed her when they weren't together.

Maybe if I ask Doctor Y/N we'll get paired together on missions more.

It was food for thought, something he would definitely consider bringing up the next time he saw Y/N. The Doctor was a friendly sort, so it was worth a shot. Right?


Her chuckles broke him out of his reverie. With her face back in the crook of his neck Courier couldn't see Cliffheart's expression, but figured it had to be smiling. "What is it?"

"Well, you wanted to know why I like this place so much, right?"

"Mmmhmmm." He nodded. "You said I had to wait to see it."

"Exactly. So, look up." Cliffheart encouraged.

"Okay . . . Oh. Wow." He breathed.

"Wow indeed." She kept on giggling, little puffs of white air drifting into his vision.

The sight that greeted him could've came out of a prestigious art gallery for all the beauty it beheld. Mountains surrounded the summit on all sides, those jagged peaks rising up in their wintry wonder. Trees dotted the landscape, the pines glistening with showers of white. The sun gave the world a splendor of colors, tinting everything in hues of pink, orange and purple as it began to set. The clouds above appeared lighter thanks to the lighting. And the valley below that had been sown with caves looked like a mysterious ocean, a gradient of purple-white.

He drunk in the beauty of it all, capturing it into his memories before turning back to Cliffheart. She was watching him expectantly, having gotten her fill of the place from the several times she visited before.

"Back when I first became Infected, not a lot would cheer me up." She confessed, her voice airy but still heard over the wind. He held her tighter, wanting to be as close as possible. On his lap she seemed at home. Her thin arms wrapped around herself as continued. "SilverAsh knew I was sad, he always knew even when I tried to hide it. And he wanted me to be happy. So one day, when Pramanix wasn't busy and his work wasn't too overwhelming, SilverAsh took us all up this very mountain. I didn't understand why he was doing it. I loved mountain climbing even then, but, it was so difficult to do in the winter, and I was treated as an invalid with how my health was by many people. But we went anyways. And when we got to the top and I saw this," she gestured to the landscape. "I finally understood why he took us here."

"Why did he?" Enraptured by Cliffheart's story, Courier found himself holding in his breath. It hardly bothered his throat, the stringent of pain from breathing in the frosty air had done enough of a number already.

It released with her next words, full of understanding and happiness.

"Because he wanted us to be a family. He wanted to show me that I was still the same person I always was, no matter how bad the Infection got. That he loved me and wanted me to be happy. He loved this place for its beauty, had found it when he was a child. It had been a safe haven for him when father was being . . . well, father." Her face darkened only for the smallest of moments, but he caught it anyways. Sore subjects were hard to broach. So he didn't ask, patient to wait till she decided to tell him all the backstory few knew about. He wasn't surprised when her tone went back to warm as she finished. "So he wanted to open up to the both of us with his favorite place to go. His secret getaway. Which is why he took us here."

"And that was worth more than anything huh?"

SilverAsh really does love his sisters. I'm glad. In this world, family was hard to come by. So he was happy his love had such a strong connection in her big brother. Their family wasn't perfect, but there was a sense of wholesomeness between the three siblings. It was touching.


"I'm glad."

"So am I." She responded.

He squeezed her, landing a swift kiss on her cheek. "I love you Cliffheart."

"And I you Courier."

The two watched the sun, keeping in their pleasant embrace until it set.


A/N: What to write next? I have a few ideas, but suggestions are always appreciated! Don't forget to vote and comment as that gives me energy! Till next time!

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