chapter TWENTY

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Hanjis POV

Its been a month of this hell....ever since he told me everytime I misbehaved he would beat Eren I just gave up....I listened to him... and I let him do what he wanted....I didn't want Eren to suffer like me.

I was laying in bed I looked dead....I was miserable... I wanted to go home I wanted to be away from this place....I've tried to escape and when I did I would get punished and Eren would get whipped double what he usually gets....

My door opened...It was Timothy.... "Hello darling" he said smirking.

"What do want Timothy" I said coldly.

"Some fun" he said grinning.

I was just raped yesterday....why did he already wanted more....

I sighed I couldn't fight it....I didn't want Eren to suffer anymore....

His men stripped me till I was in my bra and underwear.....

Then they chained me....then they left me and Timothy alone....

"So Mrs zoe, how about I make you my wife" Timothy said grinning....

"I would rather die than marry you...." I said coldly.

He snickered "you don't have a choice Mrs zoe" he Said.

I stayed quiet....

"You really are such a beauty... Kenny's kids did fantastic" he said laughing.

I still stayed quiet

"A little birdie told me you fell in love with one of them...." He said coldly.

I refused to talk to him.

"Hm you poor thing what made you think that man would ever fall in love with you" he said sinisterly.

"Shut up you don't know shit!" I snapped.

"If he really loved you he would have not let you get caught..." He said coldly.

I stayed quiet...I couldn't blame Levi...I just couldn't.

"Well darling you should know I will never leave you" he said coming twords me.

I glared at him then he got on top of me and started to rape me.....

(I am terrible at giving warnings but warning another rape scene)

He kept touching my body and forcefully kissing me....

I began to cry I wanted to be gone from this....I didn't want anymore....I wanted Levi....I wanted my true lover back.

He proceeded to unclip my bra exposing my breasts he began to grope them.....

I started to cry I didn't want this I wanted to slap him I wanted to hurt him but.....I didn't want Eren to get hurt again....

He began to rub my clit with his fingers....I cringed when he touched me there.

"Now Mrs zoe I won't hold back any longer" he said with a smile.

"P-please don't" I begged.

He didn't listen as he grabbed onto my panties he started to pull them down when suddenly there was a large bang against the door.

Timothy stopped what he was doing and glared at the door.


There was no response....

Then the door swung open.... A man stood in the dark walked in....

"Get off her" he said in a deep voice.

"Like hell" Timothy said.

I heard the noise of a gun clicking "get off now" he said again.

Timothy was sweating as he got off me....

"Now go in the corner" the man said.

Timothy did as he was supposed to.... The man threw him handcuffs.

"Handcuff yourself to the desk" the man said.

Timothy refused "no my men will be here any minute and kill you" Timothy said.

The man sighed and shot the missed Timothy's face and hit the wall.....

Timothy handcuffed himself to the desk and stayed quiet.

"Are you ok hanji" the man said.

I nodded "w-who are you...." I asked.

He stepped into the light my eyes was Levi....

"I'm sorry it took so long hanji" Levi said.

I smiled and cried tears of joy....he kept his promise....

Levis POV

I saw hanji completely stripped and handcuffed to the bed....I was furious....

I walked over to Timothy who was handcuffed and demand where the key to Hanjis handcuffs where.

He pointed to the desk.... I looked on it and saw the key. I grabbed it and unlocked the handcuffs.

She clung onto me holding me close....I hugged her back I missed her so much....and it's all my fault that this happened to her.....

I gave her the clothes on the ground that looked like hers... She put them on and I picked her up bridal style and started to leave the room.

"W-what about me" the man who had hanji asked.

I turned around and glared at him "well for one your going to jail and lucky you are because since you raped my hanji I should kill you where you stand but I think 20 years in prison should be fine" I said starting to leave again.

I held hanji close "Levi what about the other men?..." She asked quietly.

"I have backup, first I need to get you the hell out of here" I said walking around the mansion.

I turned a corner and saw two men standing there. SHIT, I quickly moved against the wall...I set hanji down gently and got out my gun...I turned back the corner and shot the men there.

I picked hanji up and started walking again....I held my gun out staying high alert.

I reached the exit when men surrounded me....

Hanji passed out in my arms while I was carrying her so I didn't know what to do.....

"Drop the lady" one of the men yelled.

I gently put hanji down when men came bursting out the windows.

They shot the men aiming at me....I picked hanji back up and rushed out the building....

When I got out there Erwin was waiting with an ambulance....

I put hanji in it and kissed her hand while she was rushed to the hospital.

"Did yall recover Eren" I asked.

Erwin nodded "Mikasa got him earlier they are at the hospital as we speak.

I nodded, what are we gonna do about these men?" I asked.

"I already have a cleanup crew coming and the police are already aware about Timothy" Erwin said.

I nodded "well I'm heading to the hospital" I said Leaving to my car.

Erwin chuckled "I'll meet you there" he said.

I got in the car and started to head my way to the hospital....while I was driving I started to go into deep thought..... I sighed then just kept driving....

I was going to say my goodbyes to hanji....

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