"Hey," she began, taking a long sip of water and immediately feeling awake and refreshed. "What bit me? How did it happen?"

Leah's eyes hardened as she glanced at Seth and then towards the door on her opposite side. Her jaw clenched tightly. Percy was suddenly anxious, for some reason, to take away that hardness in her expression, to ease her tense jaw. She didn't like to see it.

Diffuse the tension.

"You never answered my question." Leah's head snapped to look at her again, eyes guarded. "Did I taste like fish? I felt that I was the embodiment of a fish taco. But after eating this mac n cheese, I know that I am mistaken." She saw the girl's shoulders relax and her clenched jaw slacken. "I am macaroni and cheese."

The screen door creaked as it flew open. And the two siblings' heads jerked in that direction. In a second, Leah rose to her feet and went to stand beside Percy, earning an eyebrow raise from her as their arms touched lightly.

"If you wanted to get close to me, all you had to do was ask," she laughed. Leah paid her no mind, her eyes trained on the door, but she saw the flush of her neck.

"You're awake," a large older man with a deep voice and copper skin walked through the house with a woman by his side, a long scar stretching across her pleasant face. He glanced at Leah and then nodded at Seth. With a small huff, Seth waved at Percy and jogged out of the house.

Percy frowned at him. Why is this guy shirtless? She nodded as she took in his tall stature and slightly defensive stance. "Yeah, er, thanks for the food. A+ mac-n-cheese." She looked over at the dining table covered in dried blood. "And your table," she laughed nervously. "Sorry about that, didn't mean to bleed that much." She heard Leah let out a snort and felt herself grin.

The woman beside the large man waved her off, a warm smile fought against her long scar. "Don't worry about it, that's not the worst that's been on that table." She glanced outside. Percy's stomach curdled at what could've been worse. Percy narrowed her eyes and followed the woman's eyes, peering around Leah. There were several more shirtless dudes, all running and tackling each other. Why is everyone naked? "I'm Emily, this is my fiancé Sam."

Sam nodded at her with a stiff smile. "Do you remember what happened to you?" He asked, crossing his arms. Percy could tell he was trying to be polite about it, but she could hear the edge in his voice.

Was she in trouble? Did she do something illegal? Percy felt her heart race anxiously. Leah bumped her forearm with hers, keeping it there and letting Percy's skin warm. Percy felt herself breathe again as her arm burned pleasantly.

"Er, no, nothing. Leah said I got bit?" Percy stood shakily and lifted her shirt. "But it's better now, I don't understand. Have I been here long?"

Sam frowned slightly, and his eyes flew to Leah. "No, it's just been a day." He paused. "Who are you? Do you know what you're doing in Forks?" His tone was more urgent, increasingly more gruff. He stood in front of Emily now. Leah stepped forward, her hands balled into fists.

Percy's eyes were wide. What's happening? Why is everyone so intense? "Dude, I literally do not know where I am. I don't even know what my last name is or if I liked mac-n-cheese before today or why I'm here. I don't know anything," she said, eyes narrowed, scooting her bowl of mac-n-cheese closer to her and further from Sam. He was eyeing it. Not on Percy's watch.

Sam narrowed his eyes, "How do you not know?" He had stepped closer again. So had Leah.

"Stop interrogating her. She just woke up. She's in an unfamiliar place with people she doesn't know. Back off," she growled in a low voice. Literally growled. Percy could hear it as it shook her bones. She saw Leah begin to shake slightly. Percy wanted to reach out to her.

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