Playing hard to get

Start from the beginning

Me :

What the hell!
And you gave him? So easily?

Tae Alien👽:

He took my phone and shut me inside my room and send your phone number to his.
Not my fault.
And don't get all soft on him🙅‍♀️
Make him work a lil😈

Me :

Good night Mr Future Min🙊

He didn't reply me back. I guess too flustered with my comment. Or it can be that Yoongi hyung called him. Or he slept. Tae is just Tae.

Shit! I didn't reply Jungkook.

I saved his phone number in my phone firstly and thought for a moment what to reply.

Me :

Why you are messaging me?

Jungkookie🧸 :

Because I want to talk to you.
Do you not want to talk to me?

Me :

I am going to sleep now.

Jungkookie🧸 :

You can come and sleep with me.
I don't mind cuddling you all night.

Me :

I will prefer sleeping on your couch then you.

Jungkookie🧸 :

What's the difference between me and my couch?

Me :

One's more fit to sit on as compared to other.

Jungkookie🧸 :

I like it 😘

Me :

I am going to sleep.
Good night 😴

Jungkookie🧸 :

Good night chim
I love you Park Jimin❤

I blushed at his blondness. He is getting confident more and more. And after my family interrogation, it's like he has got a charm in himself.

I slept with a smile on my face that night. Feeling fulfil.


(hey you got fooled🤭😂)

A new day. It is Sunday.

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