8 Wishful Thinking: Part 4

Start from the beginning

As I laid there and thought about what I had done to myself, I pulled the covers over my head and fell asleep.

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"Dean? You all right?" Sam's voice woke me, but I kept the blanket over my head.

I heard the bathroom door open after the toilet flushed. "The wishes turn bad, Sam. The wishes turn very bad."

"The sandwich, huh?" Sam asked, "Is she okay?"

"It's bad, man," Dean whispered.

"Maddi?" Sam asked as he shook my leg. "How ya doing?"

I groaned.

Sam chuckled. "That good, huh?"

"Don't laugh at me," I rasped.

"Can I see you, at least?" Sam asked.

I groaned again, but slowly pulled the covers down over my face.

I watched as Sam's smile slowly faded to worry, and then he quickly covered it up with a smile again. "Okay, it's not so bad."

"I know when you are lying, Samuel." I glared at him. "Just tell me I'm stupid and made a horrible mistake."

Sam shook his head. "You're not stupid. We will fix this."

Dean nodded. "The coin was Babylonian. It's cursed. I found some fragments of a legend." He started to gag and then covered his mouth. He took a deep breath and shook it off. "I'm good. The, uh— The serpent is Tiamat, which is the, uh, Babylonian God of Primordial Chaos. I guess their, uh, priests were working some serious black magic."

"They made the coin?" Sam asked.

Dean nodded. "Yeah, to sow the seeds of chaos. Whoever tosses a coin in the wishing well, makes a wish, it turns on the well. Then it starts granting wishes to all comers."

"But the wishes get twisted." Sam shrugged. "You ask for a talking teddy—"

Dean nodded. "You get a bipolar nut-job."

"And you turn into a grandma, and you get E-coli," Sam said.

Dean raised his eyebrows. "Mm-hmm. This thing has turned more than one town upside-down over the centuries. It's even wiped a few off the map. I mean, one person gets their wish, it's trouble, but everybody gets their wish—"

"It's chaos," Sam said.

Dean nodded. "Mm-hmm."

"Any way to stop it?" Sam asked.

Dean nodded. "Yeah. One way. We got to find the first wisher. Whoever dropped the coin in and made the first wish, they're the only ones who can pull it back out and reverse the wishes. So, for now, we've got a couple of nutso dreams come true, but once the word gets out about the well, things are just gonna get crazier and crazier."

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Dean had passed out while Sam and I did some research. The only problem was, I was having the worst time actually being able to read any of it.

"Find anything?" Sam asked, without looking up at me.

I cleared my throat. "Oh yeah, tons."

"Really?" he asked. "Let's hear it."

"Uh..." I frowned. "I gotta be honest, I can barely read any of this. It just all looks like blurry lines."

Sam laughed. "Why didn't you just say something?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. The whole reason I even made this wish was to be more helpful, and it went sour, and I'm even less helpful."

Sam sighed and looked at me sadly.

I shook my head. "Don't pity me with your puppy dog eyes. I already feel dumb enough as it is."

Sam laughed. "Oh, so, you're a sassy grandma now?"

I smirked. "Hell yeah. If I'm going to be this old, you better believe I'm going to be Estelle Getty."

Sam laughed and shook his head. "You're a goof."

Suddenly, Dean gasped, and his eyes started fluttering. Sam and I shared a look.

"Dean, wake up!" Sam shouted.

Dean shot up. "What? I'm up. What?"

"Sleep well?" Sam asked.

"Yeah." Dean picked up a whiskey sitting on the nightstand and took a swig. "Tan, rested, and ready."

Sam shook his head. "Dean, come on, man. You think we can't see it?"

"See what?" Dean asked.

"The nightmares, the drinking. We're with you 24/7. We know something's going on," Sam said.

Dean rolled his eyes. "Sam, please."

Sam shook his head. "Uriel wasn't lying, but you are. You remember Hell, don't you?"

"What do you want from me, huh?" Dean scoffed. "What?"

"The truth, Dean. I mean, we're your family. I—" Sam shrugged. "I just wish you'd talk to us."

Dean looked over at me. "Careful what you wish for."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Cute."

"Come on, can we stow the couples therapy, huh?" Dean asked. "We're on a job. Now a very important one." He pointed to me. "I want to work. What do you got? Please?"

Sam sighed as Dean started flipping through the newspapers in front of him. "We got teddy bear, uh, lottery guy, invisible pervert guy. They all must have wished sometime in the last two weeks. But who wished first, and how are we supposed to know who else wished for what when?"

"Well, it helps when they announce it in the paper." Dean held up an engagement announcement of the pretty girl and nerdy guy. "Goes back a month."

Sam took the paper out of Dean's hand. "Wesley Mondale and Ms. Hope Lynn Casey have announced their surprise engagement."

"Ah, true love," Dean said.

Sam chuckled. "Best lead we got."

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Maddison Winchester: Journal 4 {Supernatural}Where stories live. Discover now